Where Did This Come From?
- District 9 review by CP Customer
Out of the ashes of the abandoned Halo project arrives District 9. One of the best science fiction films I've seen in several years. Hollywood just doesn't give the green light to such projects nowadays, but thanks to producer Peter Jackson, we have this tale of an alien colony living in a slum in South Africa. There are no stars here, instead Blomkamp delivers a gritty tale that blends documentary footage, 80's inspired television drama and quick editing that results in a captivating experience. For a debut director this is very impressive and a brave ending leaves you wanting more.
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Enjoyable sci-fi action tale.
- District 9 review by CP Customer
The first 30 minutes or so of this film are a bit ropey and shot in a fake documentary/reality TV style, though once fake TV section is over then it soon becomes enjoyable and thrilling ride. Thought set on Earth the film is somewhat reminiscent to the 80's sci-fi classic "Enemy Mine" in which a human and alien have to team up for their own survival. The storyline is good and moves along at a decent pace and has a great ending, which keeps open the possibly of a sequel. Well worth a rental.
3 out of 4 members found this review helpful.
- District 9 review by CP Customer
a very slow and boring film that takes for every to get going and is so stupid and far fetched it makes watching paint dry enjoyable aviod
2 out of 14 members found this review helpful.
- District 9 review by AM
An emotive and engaging story line with awesome special effects and believable performances from the unknown cast make this unusual movie 'a must see'...not only for science-fiction fans.
Believe the hype.....highly recommended.
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Could do better
- District 9 review by CP Customer
The premise is old and tired. So is this film. It dribbles along until the last half hour then seems to pick up the pace to a slow jog. I was dissapointed with this on so many levels. What a waste of time. It is bigotted and racist in my opinion. Save yourself almost 2hrs of boredom.
1 out of 6 members found this review helpful.
Wonderfully Original SciFi
- District 9 review by GI
Brash, audacious, highly original and a confident directorial debut from Neill Blomkamp. This darkly funny science fiction film, with it's obvious allegory to apartheid, isn't meant to be taken too seriously, it's far to gut wrenchingly violent and gory for that but it is a film that is clever and very entertaining. The film begins some twenty to thirty years after a gigantic spaceship, more or less derelict, arrived and positioned itself over Johannesburg. Inside were found a large number of malnourished aliens that have an insectoid appearance. At first welcomed they have now become unpopular and are forced to live in a shanty town called District 9. Now derogatorily called 'prawns' the aliens are overseen by a shady company and are to be relocated away from the city in a new township. Wickus (Shallot Copley), a hapless bureaucrat for the company, is tasked with organising the aliens eviction and relocation. During the operation he inadvertently becomes exposed to an alien fluid and his whole life is affected. Told in a mockumentary style and showing the aliens living habits as completely different to humans Blomkamp creates a grungy image of an alien visitation and completely different to something like Close Encounters of The Third Kind (1977). The focus is on the human attempts at exploitation, in this case alien weaponry. Copley, in his first film role, is the character who starts as a typical cynic and condescending to the intelligent aliens but by the turn of events comes to understand them. In many ways he's a comic version of John Dunbar. With it's exploding bodies, cannabilism, and gritty gunfights this is a film that really rocks and it remains Blomkamp's finest film to date.
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cant wait for the sequel
- District 9 review by CP Customer
wow what a aurprise fil. not what I expected-funny,great fx and some cool acting by the lead chahracter. Watched this with the family-the laguague was a bit strong but the action and the emotion of the film were surprisingly good. Is ther a follow up........I hope so! Well done Neil B- agret movie
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Gritty, Super Inventive, then runs out of Ideas
- District 9 review by griggs
District 9 kicks off with a bang—fun, gritty, and super inventive, like Starship Troopers meets The Fly. It’s made with love for those influences, almost like a tribute, and that energy shines early on. Sharlto Copley is excellent—awkward, believable, and increasingly unhinged—and Neill Blomkamp’s direction is sharp, especially in the mockumentary-style opening. With some of the production touches, you can feel Peter Jackson’s backing too.
But somewhere around the halfway mark, it loses its grip. What starts as a clever allegory for apartheid and xenophobia kind of forgets its own message in favour of action and CGI chaos. It ends on a strong note with an unmistakable anti-capitalist sting, but you’re left wishing it had stuck the landing a bit more. Still, it's worth a watch.
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Still good after all these years
- District 9 review by RD
I saw this in the cinema on release and loved it.
10+ years later on 4K it is definitely worth a revisit.
'Don't point, those bloody tentacles, at me!' xD
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