This movie is just awful - one of a new crop of socalled black-centric movies where all or almost all cast members are black. That is within the US segregationist tradition but I find it extremely distasteful at best, racist at worst, and also deep hypocrisy as no white only movies are allowed.
If you want to watch a decent time-slip drama where people message each other through time then watch FREQUENCY (2000) a seriously slick and clever US time travel drama set amongst US firefighters and a cross-time radio link. This movie just changes it to mobile phones. People phoning each other through time first appeared in a 1961 short story but time travel has been a theme in stories since 1880s, via The Time Machine to many MANY more TV series and films. This is one of the very worst.
I dislike the aggressive in-your-face culture here and sympathise with none of the characters, most of whom and 2d cartoon cutouts.
This is dross, with a teenage girl actor doing the worst over-acting I have seen for quite some time. Dare I say it, but if this were not black-centric with an all-black cast it would be called trash by critics too.
A shame to see Brit actor Alfred Molina - a decent actor and the token white face here (though he has Spanish-Italian parentage) - fall so low. No stars.
Who done it with a difference, being played in the now and a surreal afterlife. Story is OK and the acting fits the film, but the story did for me drag at times.
This film is well worth a watch if you like an offbeat police movie with a time traveller type twist. The acting is solid and the scenes towards the end build to a decent climax with some interesting scenarios on how changes in the future could change a past crime. The context, plot and dialogue are otherwise quite limited despite the worthy efforts of the main characters to inject realism and impact.