I enjoyed it .Definitely one of the better films i have seen recently (much better than " Anatomy Of A Fall " ).Quite a short, straightforward film ,which was fine & a nice little story with some amusing touches .Within the first 10 minutes i knew i was going to enjoy the rest of it .
A deadly boring film of slow, still, overlong shots, mostly in medium close-up, of people staring into space and occasionally talking. Not that they’re acting. We learn on the much more lively DVD Extras that director Aki Kaurismaki, a ‘living legend’ according to the DVD sleeve, told them not to act. You have to feel sorry for them. This travesty of a ‘film’ is so stilted that it’s embarrassing to watch, especially the occasional attempts at humour. The whole mishandled caboodle, short though it is, is mind-numbing to watch. The worst kind of arthouse cinema. Finnish compatriot Jalmari Helender should have a word in Aki’s ear. He’s promised never to make a film with two people arguing in a room (see Sisu).
A slow film that seems to paint a dismal picture of Helsinki and the dead-end jobs people have to do to survive.
The loneliness of the two main characters is explored, and, although neither lead is portrayed in a sympathetic light the viewer ends up caring. The wink at the end is worth waiting for. Probably not a film for those who like action movies!