I am a great admirer of Maxine Peake's work and she gives a good performance here but I found the characters shallow and the story unconvincing. I probably chose the film out of nostalgia but this is a downbeat movie with few redeeming features. Whilst I can see there was an attempt to make a statement about women being beaten down it is too much for me to consider it entertaining.
A strong British cast that created a film of little merit
Don’t list to above review. I really enjoyed this film. Stopped at a weird time in the story, could have been longer. It’s all personal taste, I HATE Mike Leigh films! Peake is amazing in this.
"And the award for most retrograde British film 2018 goes to Funny Cow". I thought we'd left behind this type of cinematic "entertainment" years ago. From both sides of the camera, everyone involved should be made to sit down & watch "Kes" on repeat until realisation dawns. Then they should analyse the cinematic brilliance that brightly shines in Mike Leigh's films.
I've been watching British films for 6 decades & this is the biggest load of old tosh I've seen for very many years. In my opinion (the only one that matters to me) the cast was entirely made up of "one-trick-ponies" who can give only one "signature" performance. Consequently, the banality of the script didn't present any of them with a challenge to show any wider acting ability. Doris the tea lady could have done a far better job!