2013 Berlinale Silver Bear for Best Actress
When I was a long-time singleton, when I met someone, I didn't behave as Gloria does here, veering between commitment and complete insensitivity towards the poor guy. Despite great performances, I just can't relate to Gloria for this reason, so I was left ambivalent about her fate.
A film with a badly written screenplay about boring people stumbling around and learning nothing. Not worth watching.
As a Hispanophile, I hoped to find this an engaging story, but got bored to death seeing the lead actress smiling as she picked up men in bars and then had sex with them. I didn't watch enough to see if the story then became more interesting. To be fair, you could have perhaps deduced this was how it was going to be from the brief description online.
It had nothing new to say to me, and quite clichéd dialogue as well