Pretentious Twaddle
- The Great Beauty review by LP
I was expecting good things from this film but how wrong I was. This is a a big steaming pile of pretentious twaddle. If you wanted to stop anyone from watching world cinema then just show them this. How it won an Oscar is beyond me.
4 out of 9 members found this review helpful.
A film with a difference
- The Great Beauty review by BE
No story as such but a presentation of ageing Italians who appear to be living in an unchallenging void, clinging on to the edge of life. They mask the inevitable by living an hedonistic and shallow lifestyle. Nonetheless, I was enthralled throughout. Tony Servillo brilliantly took the lead role, the settings were beguiling along with some really beautiful scenery. It is excellently crafted. My only criticism is the subtitles which at times were so fast and furious, I had to backtrack to fully read them.
4 out of 5 members found this review helpful.
We gave up on this one!
- The Great Beauty review by CP Customer
Sometimes films which are described boring or incomprehensible in reviews end up being the films we enjoy, but not this one. We lasted 50 minutes,,,,,
There are better easy of spending 2 1/2 hours!!
3 out of 7 members found this review helpful.
Overlong, self-indulgent, pretty but pointless Italian/French film
- The Great Beauty review by PV
2.5 stars for this.
This movie is way overlong and also self-indulgent - that makes it really boring in places. It takes ages to get going - the plot point being in the 35th minute. Why? Because we have stupid dancing scenes for ages before that.
To be fair, there is no plot really. It just washes over you - but no amount of arty cinematography can eliminate the boredom felt by many a viewer at the self-indulgent waffle here (and it's co-produced by a French company, so know what to expect - long gazes, confusing flashback editing).
I also feel the director's back catalogue and reputation has created a case of the Emperor's New Clothes amongst some adoring reviewers.
Some great characters though, esp the dwarf. Plus some genuinely laugh-out-loud lines. But a film has to be more than that. If I or you had written this script and sent it to the BBC or other production companies, it wouldn't have got a full read - 5 pages in, it would be on the REJECT pile.
For me, the final act - the last 25 minutes or so - was the best. Though the 104 year old nun character seems dropped in as a means to finish an amorphous and nebulous mess of a movie.
2 out of 6 members found this review helpful.
Seems to be a love it or hate it move
- The Great Beauty review by Plastic Teaspoon
First there are a lot of 1 and 2 star reviews here that say the film has no plot, is long, slow, arty, pretentious etc. They are not wrong and if long, slow, arty and a bit pretentious is not your thing then this film isn't going to float your boat at all.
However if that sort of thing doesn't bother you then I recommend this wholeheartedly. The film follows the life of a rich art set in Rome. It shows them leading their pointless self-indulgent lives and being generally arty and pretentious; it makes a pretty scathing indictment of their hollow lives. The twist is that it does this with such adoring and sumptuous cinematography that I was left wondering of this really is a biting satire or a homage to the life. Perhaps it is a bit of both. In some ways the film itself is living the arty and pretentious life whilst mercilessly satirising itself at the same time. The leading character lives this way too.
I certainly didn't find the film boring, in fact I was engrossed the whole way through. I also found it funny, the absurd situations and some of the characters' biting comments had me laughing out loud in places. Definitely recommended.
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
A Great Beauty.
- The Great Beauty review by Steve
Sumptuous art film, dense with wit and visual imagination. I'm not a big Fellini enthusiast, who this film repeatedly references, but that was no impediment to liking this film, one of my favourite of the century. An Italian state-of-the-nation film whose bitter world view works for anywhere in the west. Be sure to watch the beautiful, poignant closing credits.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Alternately boring and riveting
- The Great Beauty review by Alphaville
The spirit of Fellini lives on. An ageing one-book author contemplates his life. There’s no drama and precious little narrative. Long scenes of talking heads are ponderous and pretentious, all voiced in monotone (was this film post-dubbed in a booth?). It’s the sort of wordy borefest that gives ‘arthouse’ cinema a bad name.
Yet the boring scenes are interspersed with ravishing camerawork by director Paolo Sorrentino. Some of the tracking shots are mesmerising, especially the pre-title sequence, where a magnificent rooftop shindig seems to go on forever as the camera prowls around it. If only. Once the talking heads start you’ll be fast-forwarding to the next bit of cinematic bravado. The trailer gives some idea of both the beauty and the boredom and for once gives no plot points away… because there are none to give away. Not as great a film as arthouse critics would have it, but well worth dipping into.
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
One of the best films I've ever seen
- The Great Beauty review by MM
A lot has been written about this film. For me it really reminds me of Italians I have known and their ways. This film exudes style and feels as if you are ambling through the lives of a group of people, from the pretentious to prostitutes and on to saints. This observational style takes precedence over the storytelling and it really works. The sets and attention to the point of view and camera angles are phenomenal. If you can watch a film where the first 15 minutes is simply a rooftop dance party and enjoy the spectacle, then you will love this film. I really think it is one of the best films I've ever seen: something that would not work well as a book or any other format, and its this use of the film media that is the great beauty.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
I lasted 15 minutes
- The Great Beauty review by AJ
Congratulations to the viewers who lasted longer than that. But it doesn't look like there was much worth waiting for.
0 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Sooo boring and pointless
- The Great Beauty review by CP Customer
At first I thought the script had been lost because this is just overlong scenes of dancing and parties. I just could not find a plot or point to the film. Like other reviewers I found it boring
0 out of 1 members found this review helpful.