Groundhog giggle...
- Happy Death Day review by TH
An unlikeable collage student relives on her birthday the day which she was murdered by a masked assailant over and over until she finally gets to the notion she has to change her day and try and stop her murderer. Numerous people are suspected and numerous people get on her nerves whilst she relives the day. Nothing original about this film though, think Groundhog day or the more recent Live die repeat with Tom Cruise only this hasn't been done in the slasher genre, not hugely scary or any jump out your seat moments as after the 'first act' you know she's going to die. Corny at times and without giving much away a scene where she escapes her assailant in a car (who was on foot in a car park) catches up with her driving in the opposite direction to run over a cop who was about to arrest her...and that about sums it up!, not to be taken too seriously, in fact a bit of a laugh.
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Mix & Match
- Happy Death Day review by NK
Take the films Scream & Groundhog Day, put them into a blender & Happy Death Day is what you get. Not a bad idea for a mild horror thriller.
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Great entertainment
- Happy Death Day review by CP Customer
Loved this film. Even though it's a "who dunnit" type horror, there's lots of humour and the acting is really good. Recommended.
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High concept, tame film
- Happy Death Day review by Alphaville
You can imagine the pitch: Scream meets Groundhog Day. It’s a good pitch, but the high school vibe dumbs it down to a puerile level full of annoying teenagers. Our heroine gets murdered over and over again, but the thrills aren’t thrilling and the resolution’s unbelievable. And guess what? She learns life lessons along the way.
Still, it’s well-paced, with odd flashes of humour that work, and makes an agreeable time-passer. Among several Extras, the DVD has a darker alternative ending that is much better than the one in the released film.
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Groundhog Day!
- Happy Death Day review by AW
I quite enjoyed this! It reminded me a bit of Groundhog day for obvious reasons when the main character was been killed every day, but it was a really good ending. I had never thought that person would do the killing, although i understood why! Trying not to give it away!
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