The first quarter-hour features one of the best foot chases you’ve ever seen, with a resourceful kidnapper pursued by cop Aaron Eckhart. After that the film plummets to the gutter with misguided attempts at humour that make all ensuing attempts at action laughable for the wrong reasons. Worst of all, Aaron gets saddled with one of those hyper-irritating idiot teen girls who tend to pop up in films such as this. Usually it’s a daughter in trouble, but here it’s a social media nerd who live-streams everything and goes Whoo at appropriate points. Pity the killer can’t seem to shoot straight when she’s around. When the film ends with happy-clapping and cheering, the film’s decline into absurdity is complete. Such a shame after such a brilliant opening sequence.
perfect for a wet day during the COVID19 shut down, the action flows at a regular pace, the story line basis is sound how they get to end stretches credulity to a point but the good guys win and all that!
While this action movie won't win any prizes for originality i still thought it was fun and entertaining. Aaron plays a grizzled veteran cop trying to track down his colleagues kidnapped daughter with a young journalist in tow. While a lot of the set up is unlikely the action never stops i wasn't bored and it isnt too long either. Recommended.