Extremely disappointing
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by DB
Much like The Lost World following the original Jurassic Park, this is ultimately an extremely boring, unoriginal follow-up which is only worth watching for the CGI dinosaurs. Boring story, no jaw dropping set pieces and only hints at what could've been something good. Ultimately, if you like the JP franchise, you'll get some enjoyment out of this, but don't get your hopes up.
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CGI Excellent, plot, not so much
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by PN
A visually stunning film but the whole theme of custom bred dinosaurs was done before in the last film and seems to be rehashed again this time. Extreme unlikely to pull off stunts aplenty but I do like good visuals and sound and I'm a diehard Jurassic Park fan, although not great it wasn't bad but don't expect a masterpiece here.
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Seen One, Seen them All
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by CP Customer
Shame on me for expecting something different.
Shame on the the Jurassic World franchise to serving up the same stuff time after time.
Time for JW to go extinct please. Lets hope there's no modern day Mr. Attenborough to resurrect it.
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Great Special, Effects Poor Story Line
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by DK
Not very original but the CGI does bring these monsters to life in more detail than Ive seen before so worth a watch.
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Same old, same old
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by Alphaville
There’s nothing new in this second entry in the children’s Jurassic World franchise. People run from dinosaurs firstly on an island and finally in the villain’s underground lair, with a climax filmed in poor light.
Same dinosaurs, same people in peril just managing to escape gaping jaws, same bombastic orchestral score. There’s an adventurous girl for the kiddies to identify with but no drama for adults. Even the new ’Indoraptor’ is just another angry dino with different claws and teeth. Guess how every single baddie (every one a man) gets his comeuppance. Much more interesting is the raft of other features on the DVD, including star Chris Pratt practising his moves, interviewing the crew and playing it for laughs.
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Excellent - esp the beginning and first half
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by PV
4.5 stars for this - a brilliant opening sequence and top rate first half, let down later in the movie. Plus a lot of pc stuff I dislike.
The second half gets a bit gothic and 'Nosferatu' actually, which some reviewers put down to the Spanish director BUT he didn't write the script.
Toby Jones is great but the stars are the dinosaurs, as ever!
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Wimpy watered down version of the sequal of a sequel!
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by CS
Whilst this film opens with a bang and the first half is good, it's now become a bit of a cliche, rehashing old overly familiar themes and right from the start, was extremely predictable! I sat there and kept thinking, I know what's going to happen next and sure as eggs are eggs, it did, so for me the storyline was nothing new and the predictability really took the fun out of it all. What I thought was the actual theme of the film, really all takes place within the first half an hour, then we are taken to a completely different location altogether and here it just gets really silly! Throw in a handful of Russian and East Asian Crime Lords, the tired old theme of greed and mix with a little bit of genetics and what you get comes off as a real mish mash of a storyline. And please lets stop being so PC all of the time as it really is getting in the way of making a good film. It's almost de-rigor now that you have to have a Black, East Asian, Action Woman and so on even when they are completely irrelevant to the storyline, however this switches the roles around and gives us a really pathetically wimpy teenage black boy, a hard on full action could be lesbian girl and a half hearted clone of a daughter, all of which are a blatant attempt at being PC and really just ends up damaging the characters and the ability of the actors to bring any gravitas to the situation. I thought the last 15 minutes just descended into silliness and complete unbelievability. What would be the logical choice, you allow animals which had already gone extinct to die off once again, or to release them to roam wild in your local domestic neighbourhood, mad carnivorous killers like a T.Rex or Raptor, you guess which option they choose, because of course we've got to have yet another sequel of the sequal haven't we!
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Gigantic Yawnathon
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by BS
I couldn't find a single, solitary aspect to this film which was a patch on the original Spielberg classic. The plotline was probably written in about 10 minutes on a napkin, and the characters/acting is so by the numbers, you find yourself wanting to do nothing more than watch CGI dinosaurs rampaging about. Why don't we just have non-stop dinosaurs, we had that with the monkeys that can talk movies, I really think it's about time to ditch the cliched nonsense of humans trying to save or capture and sell dinosaurs, to having an all out Dinopocalypse. You have no idea how badly I wanted to see Chris Pratt get stomped on, or swallowed some hungrysaurus. The two-stars are for a couple of action sequences and special effects, everything else is pfff ...
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Not bad, but not great
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by AL
Started off well, but seemed to leave the island abit too early for my liking. CGI was really good and the acting not bad, better than expected, but could have been better. Good to see Jeff Goldbloom and Toby Jones in the film. Worth watching, seemed to be a little bit too much obvious that it's a set up for the next one. But kids loved it, so that's good.
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Oh no, not another film where I don't have to think...
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom review by The REAL Film Cricket
Dinosaurs in the 21st century are rare, also finding a film that I genuinely dislike so much that it makes me angry is equally as rare. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is just a film. I felt like I’d lost some IQ points after the final credits had rolled up.
Let’s break it down though.
The acting, everyone in this is not on their game. Bryce Dallas Howard, who I admit am I biased against, is bland and unconvincing, Chris Pratt, so much a great screen presence, has clearly sent a clone of himself, there’s no chemistry between our leads, no charisma from a very charismatic actor and the action sequences do not suit him and border on funny.
Rafe Spall is a fine actor and has proved he can turn his hand to any type of role. In Fallen World his role is Scooby Doo baddy, it is as subtle and poorly written as that. He is rich and wants to be wealthier so obviously he is evil, and he has to do it illegally. To be fair to Mr. Spall the house he bought from this role was definitely worth it.
Toby Jones is one of my favourite actors, like Rafe Spall he is a fine British thespian who can make at the minimum a reasonable fist of any role thrown at him in any drama and turn out great performance regardless of the material. Here he is a Bargain Hunt auctioneer but selling dinosaurs to stereotype snarling, comic-book bad guys. Why oh why is he wearing Dick Emery’s vicar’s teeth?
None of the last two paragraphs makes me happy, both Spall and Jones have given me every impression of being down-to-earth honest and friendly types so slagging off a film they are in and question their motivations for making it does not sit well with me. It would be interesting to see what they say about this film after some distance is put between them and it – at least they will never be in any sequels.
The supporting, grand-children, younger people, roles are filled by two relative unknowns Daniella Pineda and Justice Smith are neither relatable, funny or have any real purpose in the story. It is noticeable that they disappear for a long part of the film only to return at the end. It feels as if both were thrown in at the deep end and were not ready for this type of film or role. That only leaves Isabella Sermon to scream, run up and down corridors and spy on the adults plotting like something out of the Famous Five.
But despite all of the above the biggest annoyance for me is the terrible, awful, story. I am fully aware of the ‘it’s entertaining defence’ and this works if the film is made for eight-year-olds but presumably the story, and definitely the source-novel and original film, were also aimed at the older viewer too?
I’m insulted by this film. Insulted by it.
Firstly the whole driving point – dinosaurs as weapons for despots? Just buy tanks and planes as everyone does, they can be bought legally and would surely be easier to maintain and that driving force for science-fiction/fantasy story is so old that the grey whiskers it has have grey whiskers. Getting all gooey eyed over $10m for ankylosaurus, which as an herbivore would probably not be that aggressive but $10 that buys you a good League One footballer in this day and age.
The story eats itself with all these logical dead ends. Even within the world of the movie and implausibility of the situation, with all disbelief suspended, this still stretched credibility until it breaks. Not only that it further insults fans of the original by rehashing so many set-ups and stunts from the first movie that you can predict everything coming. Stealth Tyrannosaur anyone? Velociraptor that is more intelligent than most of the humans? Great White Hunter who is nasty and gets his from a big old dinosaur? A cardboard cut-out baddie who avoids everything that happens and seems to have got away but…. doesn’t? Check the tick list, they are all there and these are not plot spoilers because you’ve seen these scenes at least twice before in dinosaur-related mayhem films.
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