I missed the first 2 serious on Tv but , after seeing the 3rd , I knew I had to see what went before , and the stand out character of this series has been Keeley Hawes who , as the persecuted officer running rings around the others , gives an ice maiden performance - is she guilty or not ? Brilliant TV drama. If you haven,t seen it on Tv it's a MUST to rent. Highly recommended
Gripping and enthralling - with more twists and turns than a fairground attraction. In fact so many that I didn't know what the heck was going on some of the time. Having to elaborate with a flashback is my idea of a cop-out, but that's the worst I can say about this. Other than that it is a superb drama and cannot wait to watch series 3.
My review of Series 1 pointed out some unconvincing acting. In series 2 the lead role is played brilliantly by Keeley Hawes but there is still some pretty unconvincing acting most notably Liz White who was better in Life on Mars but still pretty bad. Mercurio's plot is a little more believable in this series and he has increased the whodunnit factor giving greater suspense but it still lacks the intricacy and depth that the Scandinavian crime dramas have perfected. Having said that I could not wait to watch it all and look forward to series 3 with more anticipation than most crime dramas.