This is an ingenious and very funny film. I've watched it three times now and it is definitely one of my all time favourites, though I feel it goes a little soggy towards the end. The narrative is supposedly inspired by Homer's Odyssey. It begins as a tale of three amigos who are joined midway by a fourth, but at the end of the film it seems to have morphed into a story about just one of the amigos – what's happened to the others? Arguably, the last few minutes are supposed to be some sort of tangential coda but I suspect that the concept hadn't been fully thought through. Nevertheless, it's very amusing: classic lines, memorable images, typically wacky Coen brothers' characters and a wonderfully earthy traditional country music soundtrack.
Answers on a postcard if anyone knows what the film is about or meant to be. I’ve seen some fairly odd films down the years but that can only be described as three escapees on a road trip, on acid.
What and why?
Forget the old Bogart and Tony Curtis running-away-in-stripped-longjohns..........the 3 guys work so well together. Clever, funny, and some actual philosophy amongst it all.