A journey into the American porn industry where the men running the show are caring about their female stars and 'look after them'. However, the extreme sexual requirements are in themselves brutalising. All rather like being a nice slave owner; the business itself doesn't really allow it by its very nature.
We follow a young Swedish girl determined to be the next great porn star. In the end she realises you must settle into the business as you must warts and all or quit. What will her choice be?
Not a comfortable watch by any means and certainly not very sexy. It only looks sexy this side of the camera. A good drama and an education too, although possibly confirming your own fears about the industry.
A young woman wants to make it in the Adult film World. Her ambition sometimes overshadows what she is comfortable doing. That really is all the plot there is. Whenever a new technology comes along for entertainment. Cine Film, Video, Laser Disc, DVDS, Computer streaming. The Adult Industry are the first responders. Yet as time has gone on it is still an industry that has an almost one man band feel to it. Agents push the best and most popular stars but there are so many waiting in the wings waiting for a call. You have to want to be successful.
In the end we are left with an industry few talk about, few make big money out of and few remain untouched by. 'Pleasure' has some nice acting beyond the Adult Stars and is worth seeing for the final scene in the film. Bob Hoskins in the final scene of The Long Good Friday played out all the emotions while sitting in the back of a car. This may not have been quite in that league but the final line of the film says it all. Sometimes you know when you have had enough.
This explicit drama about the American porn industry is less an exposé than a study of consent about which it asks complex questions. It's a tough watch and whilst the film steers a middle ground between condemnation and acceptance of the industry it ultimately leaves an unpleasant feeling. In her breakout role Sofia Kappel plays Linnea, a nineteen year old Swedish girl who travels to LA to make it big in porn films. Changing her name to Bella Cherry she dips her toe gingerly into the world but soon makes decisions to push her limits in order to make it to the top. The set pieces look at how the films are arranged with the female participants given failsafe codes and when there's a female director on one shoot Bella is apparently carefully nurtured to ensure she is ok even though the action is extreme sado/masochistic. In comparison Bella later takes part in a male directed film where she soon feels very uncomfortable and despite promises from the men around her she is verbally abused for wanting to stop. This has, in parts, a documentary style to it and as such it is an uncomfortable film to watch but the central performance is excellent and this is an assured first main feature for director, Ninja Thyberg. Interesting but difficult.