Visually striking action movie set in the atmospheric landscapes of Lapland, where an indestructible Finnish ex-commando (eat your heart out, John Wicke) sets about despatching evil English-speaking Nazis. As long as you can stomach spurting blood and flying limbs, this is black-humour OTT action with little dialogue, plot or even pacing to get in the way. Sure, the English-speaking Nazis are pantomime villains and there’s no way our hero would survive some of the scrapes he gets into. Go with it. Director Jalmari Helender does wonders with his budget and you never feel short-changed by the visual effects. Perhaps it’s only a 3-star film, but it deserves an extra star for ambition. The DVD has a couple of interesting features about the shoot and the effects, during which the director promises never to make a film with two people arguing in a room. Right on. British film industry please take note.
I LOVED the subversive Christmas film RARE EXPORTS by the same writer director - 5 stars for that.
This however is DREADFUL - a sub-Tarantino grand guignol gorefest as tedious as the awful over-rated Inglorios Basterds or whatever nonsense fake spelling the over-rated Quentin used.
Divided into chapters - always a bad sign,. Pretentious nonsense. Watch THE WINTER WAR for a Finnish film instead or WILD MEN which is fun.
Cartoon character violence from a main character who should be in a comic book - I did not believe a single word or scene, the whole thing is absurd. like SUperman, but way more boring.
I almost want to give this 1 start, but 1.5 rounded up.
I don't know where to start! This film had so much potential and could have been a 4 or 5 star job. However, it was just ridiculously stupid. I don't want to give too much away, as it was generally a very enjoyable romp, but it had far too many stupidly 'mystical' unrealsitic escapes. I'd like to at least discuss the hanging and plane crash scenes with the filmmakers one day!