Rent Six Minutes to Midnight (2020)

2.9 of 5 from 307 ratings
1h 36min
Rent Six Minutes to Midnight (aka 12 Minutes to Midnight / Twelve Minutes to Midnight) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
  • Available formats
Summer 1939. Influential families in Nazi Germany have sent their daughters to a finishing school in an English seaside town to learn the language and be ambassadors for a future looking National Socialist. A teacher there sees what is coming and is trying to raise the alarm. But the authorities believe he is the problem.
, , , , , , Daria Wolf, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Andy Evans, Sean Marley, Ade Shannon, Sarah Townsend, Laure Vaysse
Eddie Izzard, Celyn Jones, Andy Goddard
12 Minutes to Midnight / Twelve Minutes to Midnight
Lionsgate Films
Action & Adventure, Drama, Thrillers
2021, Through Time
Release Date:
Run Time:
96 minutes
English Audio Description, English Dolby Digital 5.1
English Hard of Hearing
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 2.39:1
  • Behind the Scenes of 'Six Minutes to Midnight'

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Reviews (9) of Six Minutes to Midnight

UNBELIEVABLY BAD - Six Minutes to Midnight review by GC

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I chose this film based purely on the cast list - Judi Dench, Jim Broadbent and Eddie Izzard. What could go wrong?

Well just about everything. The ludicrous plot line was acted (if that is what you can call it) out in a way which was really a blend of a local Am-Dram club, a Benny Hill sketch and a Whitehall farce. Apart from regular scenes of the great Eddie Izzard practising for his marathon running there was absolutely nothing to commend any part of this film to anyone. The 20odd young girls would have failed an audition for a school play and I can only think that the stars agreed to take part as a great favour to a friend who was producing or directing it.

Don't think that after the first 15 minutes - which are dreadful - that it will get better - it doesn't.

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An oddity - Six Minutes to Midnight review by SB

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Rather strange little film based on a girls' boarding school just before WWII which caters exclusively, it seems, for the daughters of leaders of the Third Reich. Confused storyline with the main story mixed up with a spying one which never goes anywhere. There are a few plot twists, but nothing original. The period settings seem okay (though it is all too obvious that it was not filmed in the East Sussex setting), and there are several good performances, notably from Nigel Lindsay in the lead and Carla Juri as fanatic Ilse. The improbability count is high, and there are various gaffes such as the unrealistic way the girls are lined up for an aircraft landing. Okay for a spare 1hr 36 mins. This is another DVD starting with trailers for other films and the names of production companies twice over, no wonder streaming is gaining ground.

4 out of 4 members found this review helpful.

Poor writing and plot - Six Minutes to Midnight review by MP

Spoiler Alert

Shame this could have been intriguing, but just very poor writing, none of which made any psychological sense. Far too much use of simple unlikely twists which challenge the goody and suggest British spies were rubbish. And an ending which was so facile and done to death, St tge level of kids drama, that you couldn't believe any of it. Good cast but even they couldn't do much with it.

2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.

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