Be warned: this film is built around 13 (yes, thirteen) excruciating Proclaimers’ ditties and could induce fatal irritation. Apologies to all behind and in front of the camera but it’s all about the muzak and, boy, don’t those Proclaimers proclaim. Unless your musical tastes are so atrophied that you’re willing to submit your ears to painful mind-numbing singalong pub karaoke, you are advised to give it a very wide berth. Watch with care and keep your finger hovering over the fast-forward button in case of emergency.
A good, gritty story well told. As a previous reviewer has said, the Proclaimers songs fit the story line perfectly and that they do; or should the praise go to the writer(s) who crafted the story to fit the musical material available?
The stark beginning, set in Afghanistan, sets the scene for the quality of what is to follow. The musical ending, when we finally get to here "500 Miles" is a wonderful 'Bollywood' style climax and none the worse for that. The your finger off the fast forward button and enjoy some goo, solid entertainment.
Thoroughly enjoyed this film, viewed on rental, so much so that I think I'll add it to my own collection (if there is any space left on the shelves.)
My error had no idea musical so not my cup of tea. thank god for fast forward .Only bit i enjoyed was the Proclaimer 500 miles