This season starts and finishes with more intrigue and more doubt and more double dealing than most series pack into several years. For the first time we see Raymond less secure than he has been with less trust for those around him. With the loss of a favourite character last season, this season introduces a new replacement that slips in nicely. More back story to investigate in the future no doubt.
A baddie that may not be a baddie but is too easily able to infiltrate into the lives of our hero does feel a needless plot weakness but soon the show returns to galloping ahead. The established cast and characters are now strong enough to be entertaining even with plot weakness.
The season ends with an episode that was put together despite the nightmare of the Covid pandemic stopping production. The surreal nature of the episode and the additional computer animated scenes actually work well enough. The cast and crew bookend the episode to remind us what a weird World we live in beyond the intrigue of The Blacklist.