- The Hole in the Ground review by IW
I added this film on seeing the two other promising reviews. Did we see the same film? No jump moments , boring, uninteresting story. Poorly acted rubbish.
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Bored to the ground
- The Hole in the Ground review by BE
What a very silly film. No substance and I don’t like guessing games. Got half way thru and fast forwarded the rest to very near the end to see if anything interesting was going to happen. Nope.
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You Are Not My Son
- The Hole in the Ground review by BG
Sarah has split from her husband and takes her son to a new place to start fresh. But after encountering a strange large hole in the ground in a forest, her boy doesn't seem to be the same as he was.... There are shades of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, but this Irish horror is quite subtle and does not rely on jump scares. It requires the viewer to decide what might be happening, and is creepy on a psychological level rather than just hitting you with jolts and gore. If you just want to sit back and be scared, you probably won't enjoy it. Can't give spoilers, but even the opening shot of Sarah's son as a distorted reflection in a Fun House Hall of mirrors has some significance later on. Also you have to question Sarah's own stability. Does her head scar have any significance too?.. etc.....
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Beautifully filmed horror (mild spoilers)
- The Hole in the Ground review by NP
This hugely impressive horror hangs on the success of young James Quinn Markie, who plays Chris O’Neill, son of single parent Sarah (Seána Kerslake). Often in these films where a child’s behaviour suggests he may or may not be under the influence of something demonic, the effects of the possession border on the bratty and petulant in place of a truly believable transformation (this is an understandable side effect of using unpractised performers). Happily, young Chris only fleetingly comes across as merely spoilt, which is just as well given his mother’s disinclination to scold him, and provides a very convincing focal character.
The story stands up very well too for the most part. At times, it seems to be veering on the often-used ‘is the horror real or in the mind of the pill-popping central character’, and at times we wonder if Chris really has been taken over by some evil entity. That things pan out quite differently and unexpectedly is a testament to a well-weaved plot, despite things going a little crazy during the final act.
The locations are stunning, and beautifully directed by co-writer Stephen Shields. My score is 7 out of 10.
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Whole lot of Hole
- The Hole in the Ground review by porky
For a Low Budget Horror made in Ireland ,it was Really Very Good and Looks Pretty Hollywood in Budget Size .
Great Acting, Great Effects, Great Story. Deeply Disturbing and Creepy .
Well Worth Seeing more than the once.
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- The Hole in the Ground review by EA
This was 1 of the least scary films I've ever watched. No real character development, no explanation of events or follow-up from them, and a predictable forgettable ending.-most of it filmed in pitch blackness. Maybe there was an issue with eduting. Anyway, the end result was a scare-free, unengaging film. The acting was OK, though.
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