Rent The Hollow Point (2016)

3.1 of 5 from 128 ratings
1h 33min
Rent The Hollow Point (aka The Man on Carrion Road) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
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Leland (Ian McShane) a grizzled, alcoholic sheriff is forced to shoot a suspect when he discovers illegal ammunitions being smuggled into Mexico for the local cartel. When the deadly Mexican gang find out their bullets are missing they dispatch a ruthless assassin Atticus (John Leguiziamo) to kill off anyone associated with the proposed deal. Leland is forced to call in town outcast Wallace (Patrick Wilson) to help stop the hitman before he kills his final targets...them.
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Aaron L. Ginsburg, William Green, Andy Horwitz
Nils Lyew
The Man on Carrion Road
Action & Adventure, Thrillers
Release Date:
Run Time:
93 minutes
English DTS 5.1
English Hard of Hearing
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 2.39:1
  • Behind the Scenes Featurette

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Reviews (3) of The Hollow Point

A Slow Drawn out Affair that really Drags Along! - The Hollow Point review by CS

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This starts off as though it's going to be quite a strong and gritty thriller about the Mexican Drug Cartels, the premise being a grizzled and worn our Sheriff North of the border, played by Ian McShane, accidentally shoots a small time smuggler and unleashes all hell as a result, or at least that's the premise! However what unfolds is a very slow paced and drawn out story, which in itself is simplistic and has been overdone so many times before, that it's hard to understand why this attracted such big names as Ian McShane and John Leguizamo? Leguizamo playing the bad guy in all this. The film has some moments, but they are so sporadic, the editing is really choppy and confused and the direction is hard to make out, it's as though the Director simply let the storyline unfold itself! As a result what could or should have ben a fast paced and action packed thriller, turns into a slow and drawn out affair, which in essence becomes quite boring. As for the ending, I found this quite predictable. Ian McShane is a great actor, but doesn't seem to do accents very well as his voice is so distinctive, that in this he attempts a drawling southern American accent, but keeps slipping back into his English accent so often, that I wonder why he even bothered to attempt the accent in the first place?

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He looks armless - The Hollow Point review by NC

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Gets along and through, and to the other end. Some time passes inbetween. Ian McShane now earns a few bob in the States. Does give some good input into an otherwise normal downhome US shoot out. Lends a bit of Tommy Lee to no country for old men style cop.............

They could have made better use of him...........given him the film, and made it more intelligent, and dropped some of the gore. Would have been harder hitting!!

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Even Tex-Mex appeal can't save this. - The Hollow Point review by CP Customer

Spoiler Alert

This might have made a decent tv series and box-set, but in this form it all feels rushed and bitty.

Big corners are cut and scenes jump ahead before any real character depth can be established. The only thing that isn't cut is the violence, which is pretty extreme even by current standards. That's not to say the violence is realistic, at several points victims bounce back from lethal wounds like cartoon protagonists.

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Critic review

The Hollow Point (aka The Man on Carrion Road) review by Adrijan Arsovski - Cinema Paradiso

The Hollow Point is an inadvertently bloody and violent romp that doesn’t cut any corners when it comes to the corruption of the meek-minded and their ability to make others’ lives a living hell. To this extent, The Hollow Point mixes several genres including that of the now-infamous western which, by a strike of either chance or deliberate effort – mixes well with (some) conventions of the neo-noir as well. But more importantly: is The Hollow Point any good? Well, it most certainly has some “hollow points” within it which need patching, but I wholeheartedly give it a pass because it’s original enough to not make me fall asleep after the one hour mark. So, kind of yeah, I guess?

The film is set amidst an illegal arms-trade-gone-wrong, involving two unlikely sides – that of Mexico and the USA. In it, there are all sorts of characters thrown in there for good measure (some would argue archetypes), such as corrupt policemen, shady dealers, a professional hitman, and a ton of other (mostly corrupt) individuals who stop at nothing to see their personal business agendas go through. In fact, these characters even go as far as disregarding human life to succeed, which I guess breaks all unwritten moral codes and stipulates a deeply ingrained sense of nihilism and chaos (attributed to these exact characters).

And so, we have ruthless killers posing as morally superior individuals in a grey ethical landscape painted, a tense atmosphere that just breeds conflict, and a culmination which could only end up with a bang – which is exactly what the audience gets.

Additionally, Gonzalo López-Gallego (the film’s director) and Nils Lyew (screenwriter) helm the whole ordeal pretty consistently all around, filling the script’s crevasses as they go; in this regard, it could be said that the entire cast (Jim Belushi as Shep Diaz, Shep Diaz playing Wallace, Lynn Collins as Marla, and John Leguizamo playing Atticus) makes the most out of the film, with some selective few even having obvious fun along the way of doing so.

Having said all of that, the main problem with The Hollow Point is its lack of a really convincing story (or the execution of it thereof). The narrative seems complex, but nowadays complex doesn’t necessarily mean good by any stretch of the imagination whatsoever.

In terms of technical details, the film is quite ok. This is literally a bite-sized exercise in playing it safe: nothing too out of the ordinary, just the most textbook camera examples one can ever produce. Which is kind of a shame really, since an interesting premise like this gets drowned in an innocuous but foolproof cinematography and sound.

All taken into consideration, The Hollow Point is probably worth your time, once, when you’d rather succumb to evaporating your hardly-acquired neurons than doing some real work – like producing a full-fledged film yourself.

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