Rent The Night Eats the World (2018)

3.1 of 5 from 97 ratings
1h 30min
Rent The Night Eats the World (aka La nuit a dévoré le monde) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
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28 Days Later meets 'A Quiet Place', 'The Night Eats the World' is a powerful and nerve-wracking zombie apocalypse thriller that will stay with you long after the credits roll. 'The Nights Eats the World' fuses the horrors of the carnivorous undead and the terror of loneliness and despair, starring Anders Danielson Lie, Golshifteh Farahani and Denis Lavant. After waking in a deserted apartment, the night after a raging party, Sam comes face to face with his new reality: the city's inhabitants have turned into blood-thirsty creatures and he is one of the lone survivors. He organises to ensure his survival and escape the zombies and soon discovers that he is not the only survivor.
Will he uncover the mystery behind the epidemic and will he survive?
, , , , , , Nancy Murillo, Lina-Rose Djedje, Victor Van Der Woerd, , , Tess Osscini Boudebesse Bejjani, , Jean-Louis Priou, Marie-Thérèse Priou, Choukri Essadi, , Nina Van Der Pyl, Mathieu Musualu, José-Luis Pages
Dominique Rocher
Carole Scotta
Pit Agarmen, Jérémie Guez, Guillaume Lemans, Dominique Rocher
La nuit a dévoré le monde
Signature Entertainment
Horror, Thrillers
Release Date:
Run Time:
90 minutes
English Dolby Digital 5.1, French Dolby Digital 5.1
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.85:1

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Reviews (3) of The Night Eats the World

A zombie story set in Paris, so zombies and romance...not really. - The Night Eats the World review by The REAL Film Cricket

Spoiler Alert

It is often said the Shaun of the Dead was a love-letter to George Romero well Night Eats the World is easily a big soppy love-letter to 28 Days Later, Dawn of the Dead (remake), and various other Usain Bolt zombie horror stories, there is even a small tribute to my favourite zombie ever, Bub, playing a fairly central part in the story. This is not to say it is a bad thing but if you a familiar with the trope, I feel many viewers will be, then you'll recognise scenarios, frights and the basic premise. Again this is not a bad thing but it does lead to a game of 'oh I saw that in' or 'they did that better/worse in this film'.

Casting aside the who, whats and whys, which all good zombie films should do, and getting to the action and set-up of the story whilst cleverly foreshadowing the coming events starts the film on a good footing and the whilst we are in plus terrioritory the makers then say 'What would an ordinary person, with no real survival skills (nearly all of us) do?' and they try to answer it sensibly too. Sam is no genius, he's clever enough to know that the scabby bloody messes are no longer his friends and neighbours and want to kil him and he is smart enough to know that if he can lock them out of the apartment block he'll be reasonably safe. He is stupid enough to try and get a cat from outside though - I wonder what stupid thing I'd do if I managed to survive (which I would not)?

Norwegian actor Anders Danielsen Lie plays Sam releastically and you believe from his reactions and the way he behaves this event has really happened. How he occupies the huge amounts of time he has is cleverly answered and is a question that no one asks in these type of films. After all if you make yourself safe and secure that is exactly what you'd do, stay save and secure, so many films end up with the protagonists doing ludicrous things that lead to disaster. Not Sam, he'll stay safe, make avant garde art music, listen to tapes, respectfully lay victims to rest, because he's a decent human not a monster that all survivors turn into immediately in US films, and like all of us, start to hear things and let his imagination carry him away.

The buckets on the roof are straight out of 28 Days Later but why not, it worked in that film and works for this story too. The zombies are very much World War Z, Dawn of the Dead (remake) and although I don't like sprinters, they make no sense at all for reasons I cannot be bothered to go into here, but to make them silent was a stroke of geninus.

I must mention the arrival of Denis Levant who now is my favourite zombie, trapped in the lift he cannot get to Sam so Sam uses him as companion sitting and talking to him. I will not spoil how that ends but it truly is original in its own way and definitely not what I was expecting.

The arrival of Golshifteh Farahani signals the end of the section of the story we would guess we were stuck in and takes Sam in a new direction and the twist to this part, whilst not original, was well played and actually made perfect sense due to what lead to it.

Night Eats the World tries to take a tried and frankly worn-out genre and give it some new clothes. It does not quite manage this as well as 'The Battery' which I recommend but it comes close. There are too many, seen it before moments, but the acting and real menace of the undead and the situation and how it is dealt with do give it a good spring cleaning at least.

All in all a better zombie movie - and considering the vast libaries of DVDs dedicated to this horror-trope most of which should really be forgotten about that is praise indeed. Would I go out of my way to watch it again? Probably not but if it was on TV and flicked onto it, I would flick to the next channel.

1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.

OMG, Why did He have To Survive ? - The Night Eats the World review by porky

Spoiler Alert

A Very Much ,Often Seen ,Basic Zombie Apocalypse Movie, Wake up after a Party ,The Only Survivor on the Planet .

Sadly the Only Survivor is a Complete Twerp.

Spent Most of the Movie Shouting Obscene things at him through the screen.

Found Him Too Irritating to Enjoy the Movie tbh .

1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.

Bloated, pompous, pretentious, overlong and SLOW French Zombie film in English set in Paris - The Night Eats the World review by PV

Spoiler Alert

The fine actor Anders Denielsen Lie (from a very privileged Norwegian family) who often plays troubled men is in this (and he was great in the BEST drugs movie ever made, OSLO AUGUST 31st, a 2011 film) . BUT he does not have much to do, except mooch about alone in an apartment block for minutes.

This is in English but very much a French film in that it is bloated, pompous, pretentious and SLOW. And boy we can do without the drums.

I believe this is based on a French graphic novel - and it probably works better as a story in that form.

For a truly great zombie movie watch 28 DAYS LATER or the bafflingly-ignored THE GIRL WITH ALL THE GIFTS. or for comedy SHAUN OF THE DEAD.

This could all fit into a half hour TV drama, frankly. In a word, it is boring. Paris is pretty though.

2 stars

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