That's exactly what it's like. It's like Joey Potter in Dawson's Creek, but years later, and no Dawson, and she has a family now. And I'm not saying that like it's a bad thing; far from it. I really enjoyed this film, seen it twice now and would happily watch it again.
This wont win any awards for originality. However if you want a sweet watchable film with likeable leads then give this a chance. I guessed the end but didnt take away from the experience. Worth a watch during lockdown.
A film based on a self help book and turned into a narrative romance is a strange concept but here we have one. It's a gushy, predictable story centred around the concept that if you wish hard enough for something you'll end up getting it. Pizza seems to be the main success of this theory here! Katie Holmes plays Miranda, a widowed mother of three struggling to make ends meet. Her former mother in law (Celia Weston) interferes and wants her to get together with local businessman Tucker (Jerry O'Connell) but then a handsome stranger, Bray (Josh Lucas) shows up. He has a some secret that involves Miranda but she is unaware of this as attraction between them grows. The trouble is that for a dreamy romance Lucas' Bray is unintentionally a bit creepy, full of wisdoms he keeps imparting and no one calls him out on them. There's a slight and pointless drift into religion at one point no doubt to please the bible thumping Americans who won't buy into the film's philosophies otherwise. It's all a bit too slushy for it's own good and by the end will elicit a groan from the discerning film viewer.