Very disappointed with this film. The twist was blindingly obvious and there was no real tension after that. I was hoping for a further twist at the end to give it a bit more punch - but sadly it was not forthcoming.
Zack Gold is excellent as the drug-addicted Michael, a junkie unable to quit his addiction despite the adoration of Jess (Cooper Harris), the stomach caressing girlfriend who has little to do except pout smugly for the duration. Her role is to be blissfully pregnant, and that’s it: perhaps a waste of Harris’s talents.
Michael and his daft friends embark on what appears to be a very unwise caper – jeopardising his job and travelling to an isolated forest to get drunk and argue.
I think what impresses me most about ‘The Unraveling’ is the acting – everyone plays their part well. The location is also very effective and well photographed. As for the story, well, ultimately it seems less than the sum of its parts and doesn’t really succeed as a horror, despite a few lightly creepy moments. As a means of kicking an addiction, it doesn’t survive any scrutiny, but it is an interesting premise. My score is 6 out of 10.
Reasonably enjoyable and slightly scary film, but honestly the ending is so banal, you feel you've been cheated. Don't waste your time on it!