Slow-burn drama about… wait for it… an auditor looking into a bank’s books. The title refers to cryptocurrency shenanigans around which the plot develops. Subtitles may help you follow all the tech-talk and acronyms. It’s pitched as a thriller but, despite a pounding electronic score, never develops much thrust. It even begins at a climactic stand-off to prompt interest before flashing back to the beginning – always a sign of a film unsure of maintaining interest.
Despite this, it’s an engaging, well-mounted piece with a couple of appealing leads in our autistic leading man and his tech-guy mate, and it has surprising heart.
A confusing and quite dull thriller that despite delusions about corrupt banking, bitcoins etc is nothing more than a routine story about Russian mafia and the inadvertent uncovering of their money laundering operation in small-town America. Underwhelming and with a lead actor (Beau Knapp) who has little charisma and a teenage boys beard! He plays Martin, a hotshot Wall Street banker, sent to audit the books of a small branch that happens to be in his hometown. This cues some family drama involving his father (Kurt Russell) and his uncovering of said mafia naughtiness. Nothing exciting happens, there's a lot of staring at computer screens and the final denouement is a damp squib.
This was a slow burner to start with, but it built up to a very satisfying ending which I did not see coming.