The simplistic but worthwhile character study of David Brent is the only reason to watch this film. The rest is embarrassingly bad. It's the sort of film that you could skip through most of it and it would make no difference.
Ricky Gervais again acting as his David Brent character, who doesn't improve with age. He learns nothing and continues to unmindfully trash PC perspectives with impunity. The movie contains the usual DB cringe making moments and a few really funny ones. DB elicits laughs along with empathy for his social isolation. His smart office suit hides one of life's losers but he never gives up trying to make things better for himself. Unfortunately, being DB, he never will. A lot of the songs were written by Ricky Gervais and although no vocal acknowledgements were given to him as the credits rolled, they were presumably sung by him. Herein lies an anomaly - the band, music and the voice are all very good - were the subject matter and the lyrics changed, RG could have some hits on his hands!! It brings to mind an unknown Anthony Newley being cast in his first movie 'Idol on Parade' way back when, which was supposed to be a skit on pop stars and the music of the day. Paradoxically, it had the reverse affect and AN was propelled to fame as a singer. As such, he then went on the achieve a substantial fan base as a vocal artist! What d'you reckon, Ricky?
In my opinion, The Office was a hilarious, groundbreaking and unique comedy; twelve episodes of perfection. I so wished that he'd left it at that but then came a Xmas special to spoil it, and sixteen years later, this. In ' David Brent: Life on the Road', Ricky Gervais has made 'The Office-the movie' and I so wished he hadn't, as it's cliched, predictable and weak. I did laugh out once or twice, but mostly winced at how awful it was. I can only guess that Gervais had a tax bill to pay; he is a comedy genius and there was no need for this.