Wish I had read the reviews before choosing to watch
- Let the Sunshine In review by Timp
This film has taught me a valuable lesson, pay more attention to customer reviews before adding to your list! I have done this the wrong way and round and have now read the reviews after wasting an hour and a half of my life, in truth slightly less as I had fallen asleep by the end.
Turgid film with no redeeming features. Usually enjoy a bit of french cinema but this was without redemption
3 out of 5 members found this review helpful.
ennuyant (boring)
- Let the Sunshine In review by ds
why did they make it in the first place?
I enjoy French flms as they have 'atmosphere'
this was dull and dreary.
3 out of 8 members found this review helpful.
- Let the Sunshine In review by DT
Why JB decided that this was a good idea I shall never understand, Simply wooden acting by male actors and terrible script and narrative. By far the worst JB movie I have ever seen.
2 out of 5 members found this review helpful.
Oh Dear
- Let the Sunshine In review by kb
Tried to like it but found the story was just repeating a series of the heroine's past uninteresting 'love affairs' all much the same, that is until the arrival of a weird looking new 'possible' as a lover, BUT not clear if he was a recent attraction or a further left over from the distant past.......thought he would brighten things up by bumping a few people off but no just stood around boring the pants off everyone whatever ......
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
- Let the Sunshine In review by AD
Very disappointing despite good actors. The story line was weak, uninteresting and utterly unengaging.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Nothing to see here
- Let the Sunshine In review by CP Customer
Same feeling as other reviews here.
Juliette Binoche is such a strong actor but in this film there is just no drive in the narrative, no gripping questions or challenges, nor any subtleties of the human condition.
Shame as it looks good on paper.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Boring boring boring
- Let the Sunshine In review by MP
It was somewhere between very boring and incredibly boring. I'm trying to think of positives to take from watching this film....no, can't think of any.
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Little substance
- Let the Sunshine In review by MB
Did not really get on with this, irritating characters, especially Juliet Binoche's, feel the writer and director were far too pleased with themselves. The DVD extra was an interview with the director which didn't cast much more light on proceedings. I believe Claire Denis tends to divide opinion so there you go! However I do remember enjoying 37 Shots of Rum by her, though I saw it a long time ago.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
struggling for words.
- Let the Sunshine In review by CP Customer
Fabulously performed and well scripted, just a shame the theme was so boring. Oh dear I have to find 100 characters to make this a valid review...going to struggle
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
Terrible Film
- Let the Sunshine In review by AS
This is an appalling film, despite Juliette Binoche's best efforts. The scriptwriter needs to be put out to pasture and left there. There is a positive note in the last scene where Binoche's character receives the wise advice to go within herself to find solutions to her life challenges, rather than searching for a new lover as "the answer".
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