For anyone who loved the TV series the spin-off film will come as a real disappointment. Kit Harrington lacks charisma as the leading agent and Peter Firth (reprising his role as spy boss Harry) pouts his petulant way through proceedings as though auditioning for his next role of Pontius Pilate in Risen. The plot makes the same mistake with Harry as Skyfall did with M. These are backroom overlords not field agents. Getting them out from behind their desks merely exposes their limitations when involved in an action plot. Harry’s completely out-of-character behaviour makes the whole narrative unbelievable, and there are insufficient thrills to lure a Spooks-ignorant new audience. The TV series lost its way in its final episodes, with the emphasis more on Harry than the agents, and the film does nothing to redress the balance.
When I watched the series on television it was quite interesting, However I cannot say the same for this episode.It was slow and a ludicrous storyline which they seem to make up as the went along
Such a weak unbelievable plot, which could have been partially salvaged if the acting hadn't been universally wooden!