Can't stop watching this, series after series. Completely hooked - and riveting !
Every episode is a new story but has an underlying dialogue on the actors lives and loves
which continues throughout.
The first half of the season is great tv. After the end of the last series we see if Elizabeth can clear her name and convince her one time work mates that she is no sleeper spy. The roller coaster ride of the first half ties things up in a typical unlikely but acceptable manner and the viewer can relax and breath. Then we go into the sort of season that looks hurried to fit in changes in circumstances and makes us believe that the unlikely events lead to tragedy when we all know they really don't. Lots of long faces and stupid nonsensical conclusions. A great shame but at least by the end we are back into the well trodden path we had before the break into a hurried feeling plot and script writing. Usual good soundtrack makes it all just about hang together.