Imageine the original "THE THING" its like the first time you ever saw that but better!!!!!Constantly mutating monsters and even though you know the mix your never sure what is going to come next.
Ok , as suggested in another review, It is very much like the movie 'The Thing ' only its a little less cut off and a little less Scary and a lot more catching .
Interesting take on Alien life trapped in Glacier and suddenly making an appearance after a Thaw . More a Viral Alien than an actual Alien being as in the Thing , but once its on the move plenty of Mutations occur and you never know what it will be like ,that all depends on the genetic mixture each time it takes a bite. Gruesome, Bloody and Frantic . Watch to the end for a rather Bizarre Ending .
This is John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ set in a glacial monitoring station in the Austrian Alps. To begin with it’s too low-key, with stock characters, slow pacing and a score that needs more zip. On the plus side, the mountain scenery is a feast for the eye and after half an hour the action picks up. Not one Thing, but multiple hybrid mutant Things. Ever seen a fox-beetle? It gets sillier and consequently more enjoyable as it progresses. Just don’t get bitten!