Intriguing odd-couple drama
- Compartment No. 6 review by PD
This one's a very intriguing watch, one of those that's predicated on a meeting of extreme opposites under extreme circumstances, and whilst there's absolutely zero - chemistry between Finnish student Laura (Seidi Haarla - superb throughout), and coal miner Lyokha (Yuri Borisov, also excellent) we have enough to believe in their connection, and that is some testimony to the director. They make a great couple: plucked from different countries, walks of life and perspectives, their claustrophobic, forced-shared space encourages an improbable companionship. The plot's ridiculously contrived but the director is skilful enough to keep us convinced, whilst some of the best scenes take place outside the Compartment No 6 - a meeting between an old lady, Laura and Lyokha is easily the best in the entire film and makes it worth watching for this alone. Well worth a look.
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You should watch this
- Compartment No. 6 review by MWDW
This film was perfect in every possible way, impeccable acting, excellent screenplay, and when it ended I would have been content to view the return journey.
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- Compartment No. 6 review by HM
A Finnish (bi-sexual) girl meets a drunken Russian on a train. How any female could develop a relationship with this idiot I don't know. I found myself winding the movie on to avoid anymore poinless mundane conversation between them. He comes across as a drunken Norman Wisdom 'the Gimp' but without being funny! A dull story and not well paced at all. Will you stay awake? Probably not.
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Did not fulfil its promise
- Compartment No. 6 review by CD
This film had good characters and fine acting, but the storyline is not strong enough and it moves at too slow a pace. It is pleasantly unpredictable, but unlikely and rather unconvincing as a result. Worth watching for the interplay between the two main characters and for the interest of the Russian train and its arctic environment. The culture difference between the Finn and the Russian is also interesting. Overall I would tentatively recommend but prefer many other "journey" films.
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Interesting 'Road' Romance Film
- Compartment No. 6 review by GI
This Finnish/Russian production is basically a romantic road movie albeit set on a claustrophobic train where two unlikely passengers are forced together. Laura (Seidi Haarla) is a Finnish student studying in Moscow who is encouraged by her teacher and lover to head to the bleak city of Murmansk to view the ancient cave paintings. Laura finds she is on the long train journey forced to share a compartment with the boorish, rude and often drunk miner, Lyokha (Yuriy Borisov). She considers abandoning the trip half way due to his behaviour but a call to her lover reveals that perhaps their relationship isn't all that Laura assumed and so she is sort of trapped into continuing the journey. But as they interact more Laura and Lyokha begin to see in each other something missing in both their lives and a gentle attraction and romance begins. As relationship dramas go this is interesting, touching and a small window into modern life in Russia. It's not a film that necessarily runs a predictable happy course but it does engross the viewer in these two unhappy and beguiling characters.
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