Laborious and nonsensical. Not creepy or remotely scary. I found it incoherent at times but hoped it would redeem itself with a killer ending. It didn't. Max the dog best thing about it.
Sadly I didn't get to see the Ending of this movie, But Both Discs sent me Stopped at the same point in the story ,Maybe it was supposed to...That is Creepy.
Up until the point the movie stopped it was a Very Good and Creepy Murder Mystery/Thriller .
a Neighbour acts Creepy.
Across town are Unsolved Murders .
Bodies of Long Dead people, believed missing, have come to light within their 'supposedly empty' house .
Who is the man seen in the neighbours garden ?
who is this New Neighbour of the ex police detective that is acting so strangely ?
Will I Every Find Out ? I don't know .... but it was worth trying .
Just watched this 2016 Japanese movie "Creepy"
It's a slow paced movie, no real gore of action but I loved it. As seems to be the norm for Japanese films it has its off kilter madness moments, we're not talking "Visitor Q" or "Uzumaki" madness,no where near that, more of a subtle weirdness.
Great acting and beautifully shot considering the rather drab looking location the film looks great.
Good thriller that is very entertaining from start to finish directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa and as the title implies, it certainly has its creepy moments.