Witty, playful satire
- Deerskin review by CP Customer
This is an unexpected delight, a genuinely funny film that doubles as an ironic take on the whole process of film-making (especially slasher-gore film-making).
Jean Dujardin and the ever-brilliant Adele Haenel are excellent in the two lead roles, and Quentin Dupieux's direction is very sure-footed. He keeps the narrative tight and, at 73 minutes in length, he doesn't overplay the central metaphor of the deerskin jacket.
The humour builds satisfyingly and there are many laugh-out-loud moments. Some telling points about film are made along the way, but the main pleasure is in not taking any of it too seriously.
And don't let Georges see you wearing a jacket...!
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Contrived, Pretentious, Arty French Comedy Horror
- Deerskin review by PV
Well I am baffled this film gets such high ratings.
For a start, it is all based on a nonsense - WHY is this man obsessed with his deerkin jacket? Never explained. AND THEN the entire film rests on an unlikely coincidence of the main character (an old-looking 44) getting a free camcorder from an old bloke he buys a deerskin jacket off. It is so random it;s like the middle aisle at Lidl! Next time I buy a pair of socks I'll expect a free unicycle then. WHAT NONSENSE!
Life does not have to make sense but films do. Such random coincidences are common in fantasy films of course - why i hate them too.
The first hour is very Gallic shrugging mooching about, with more unlikely random events (a mute boy and an unfortunate hotel receptionist...). The last third is gruesome 'grand guignol' comedy horror WHICH is great fun - though not anticipated anywhere in the first hour.
AND apparently this part of EU France has no police at all - which is amazing and may well explain why some many illegal migrants are always trying to leave lawless France from Calais, coz what with no law and order or police, they must have a hell of a time there...
IF this film had been made in English, I suspect its fans would trash it. Absurd and not funny either.
Anyway, nice mountain scenery in the Pyrenees
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Quelle drag
- Deerskin review by Alphaville
Absurdist drama about a man who loves his deerskin jacket and goes to increasing lengths to stop anyone else wearing any jacket. One drab scene follows another as he wanders around in his jacket and talks to it in his hotel room. Unfortunately it’s not funny and it goes nowhere. It’s probably the longest 73-minute film you’ll ever see. Even as a ten-minute short it might be pushing it.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Unexpected horror film
- Deerskin review by CW
We are elderly Western film fans. The title of Deer Skin and the jacket image led us to mistake this film for a Western which it definitely isnt. It could be construed as an essay on film making and the filming of horror, but the violence is extreme and we did not watch it to the end. I guess if I had googled the film, I would have been forewarned.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Enjoyable horror-comedy that horror fans should tick off their list
- Deerskin review by Tommy
Essentially a film about the film making process. Which is something that can be pretentious and self indulgent. However for this, and particularly for the horror genre, it makes sense. The journey, for want of a better word, Georges goes on is very much like the making of a film. The inspiration, the desire, the problems and the solutions, plus seeing the reality, good and bad. Georges in the story decides to make a film around this jacket so it's not subtle but is a well made film with a taut script. Naturally not everyone's cup of tea. Like the jacket.
The plot and for the character, Georges is having a midlife crisis. He seems happy and passionate about a deerskin jacket but their may be more to it. Or is the jacket genuinely possessed. This jacket takes over this seemingly crazy guy who spends too much on something that doesn't really go with anything. No one could look good in it. With the jacket he gets a camera which gives him the inspiration of filming himself in the fringe piece of deerskin.
This is a film for you to interpret what it's about but crucially this is unsentimental and made without pretension. It's a fun horror with a light touch of humour. This shows the ridiculous of mostly men who buy random eccentric things they don't need, normally that are expensive. Georges makes strange self destructive decisions along the way. Decisions that escalate like his ensemble - he finds other deerskin clothing, making a whole bloody outfit. He thinks he looks great, the fool. Adele Haenel is Denise who becomes his editor, played with understated charm and determination.
This is pretty daring by the director Dupieux and Dujardin as Georges. What stands out is how this is absurdist and slasher horror, with enough gore to put it along side any other, could easily have been even more out there. "Deerskin" is a tight film in run time and in it's script. It's superbly handled by Dupieux and i'd recommend watching this after Peter Strickland's "In Fabric". There are other similar films but In Fabric is a 2018 film and comes to mind straight away, both could make a decent double feature.
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