A very gifted actress
- Gifted review by PM
This is an uncomfortably good film. It's uncomfortable because it is convincingly distressing; I am certain that nobody wants to see any child in difficulty: the portrayal of a child so bereft and betrayed was truly difficult to watch. You will need to remind yourself that she is just acting. If there can be an appropriate award for this then McKenna Grace certainly deserves it, she is utterly believable in her role.
Her performance is every bit as uplifting and inspirational as it is sad, and she expresses love and courage that seem to transcend the plot. She is that good. The film stayed with me for days, and no doubt will be with me for much longer. I truly hope that this young lady enjoys the fruits of her clear and powerful gift.
4 out of 4 members found this review helpful.
No computer generation! Wow
- Gifted review by NC
At last a little US film with some acting a dialogue. No exploding livers or massive explosions. Also no big names sucking at the wage bill. Engaging little film and little star is quite the button.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
A really funny and enjoyable film.
- Gifted review by SH
A real surprise find, wasn't sure if this was going to be my sort of film ... but found it to be very funny, moving and one of the most enjoyable films I've watched in a long time.
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
A real gem of a movie.
- Gifted review by BE
I did not know anything about this movie before seeing it. I didn't go to the cinema out of choice but I am so very glad I did. Mackenna Grace gives an oscar worthy performance backed up by a very strong cast. Loved it. Bit of difficulty with the American drawl (as usual) , other than that, perfect!
2 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
Worthwhile well made film.
- Gifted review by CP Customer
It would be easy to overlook this film by just reading a synopsis. But if you read the reviews it seems that most people loved it. The young actress was perfect for the part being able to show both childish exuberance when jumping on the bed and singing caroche to adult sarcasm, "I expect she wants to know what one and one are". The story may seem small on the surface but it is well told and explores the issues that arise with a gifted child, should you enable them to attain their maximum potential or let them grow up as a normal child. The film shows both sides of the argument. I am glad that I watched this. I am still thinking about it three days later, always a hallmark of a good film.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
A real surprise
- Gifted review by AL
Think I hired this out because of Chris Evans. But Mckenna Grace is abit of a revelation, very good actress. Moving, interesting and great to see a film I normally wouldn't see, a real treat.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
Fantastic family film
- Gifted review by CP Customer
A real treat of a movie. A warm, witty and wonderful tale with great characters, wonderful acting, and some truly laugh-aloud lines. An unexpected delight that deserves a wide audience.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
Great Film though a tad schmaltzy
- Gifted review by Peter B
Interesting film about balancing ambition and freedom for those fortunate to have a gifted child in their midst. Mckenna Grace was absolutely brilliant and convincing, reminded me of my 9 year old grand-daughter and surprised she didn't win the Oscar for this performance. Lots of laughs and some sadness, Chris Evans was great and seemed to have genuine affection for Grace, Lindsay Duncan was less convincing as a tiger grandmother.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
Very good film
- Gifted review by JB
We really enjoyed watching this. Not quite a weepy. It's a good story and we thought the acting was excellent. Struggled a bit with the American drawl and had to put the subtitles on. Would definitely recommend it.
0 out of 0 members found this review helpful.
Great Film
- Gifted review by Rm
A beautifully acted and directed film. The films sucks you in with a rare tenderness while remaining honest and interesting. There's some great one-liners in it as well. Its been a long time since I saw a film this well put together.
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