Not a great film.
- Mile 22 review by Schrödinger's Cake
I’m not averse to abandoning a film midway through when it starts to get ridiculous, and sadly this one fell into the bail-out bucket at around 30min or so.
Mark Wahlberg has been enjoyable to watch in a bunch of films, but this time around it’s as if someone said to him, “Have you seen Lethal Weapon? Yeah? Do that shout- a-lot-crazy-shit thing.” Which works for a couple of scenes, and then just gets dull. To the point where it felt like a parody.
Not only that, the super-elite tactical team ditch all their SOPs and make loads of ridiculous errors of judgement etc which just left me feeling it was pretty unbelievable, frustrated and disengaged.
Not a great film.
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Horrible film
- Mile 22 review by JD
This is terrible stuff. Right from the start this is the sort of film that has you routing for the bad guys.
The hero team are an unlikable, uninteresting bunch. Mark W's Character taking the biscuit by just being incredibly annoying. And pointless.
The film could be saved by the action tho. No.
Gun fights are predictable and boring. Poorly directed, edited and shot.
But never fear, some asian guy who knows martial arts is brought in for some chop soki action. No there to. The action - as is all the action in the film made near unwatchable (as in make me feel motion sick) with the shaky cam and constant cuts to hide the fact the director doesnt know what he is doing and none of the actors know how to fight or shoot. I feel sorry for the Asian guy as it looks like he might be half good.
this is a truly dire film. But worse still seems to be the pattern these days. Diversity, marketing opportunities and a big hollywood name are what sells films it seems. Not realistic, believable, exciting action.
Ah, but wait, there is one good thing about this film. The ending, and im not being sarcastic. If you make it to near the end, hang it out. It brought a smile to face and the word 'Winner' sprung to mind. If only they could of put it into a decent film.
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What a mess
- Mile 22 review by Alphaville
Another in-yer-face actioner from director Peter Berg and this one’s a complete mess. In SE Asia a team of US special forces has to move a defector 22 miles from a city centre to a plane. Characters shout and swear at each other incessantly. The camera shoots them too close-up, often focussing on irrelevant detail. The action is shot with a handheld camera and chopped up by over-editing into a complete mish-mash. It’s difficult to get a handle on anything that’s happening, especially as the plot doesn’t set in until half-way through the movie. To confuse matters further, there are even unnecessary time jumps to a future debriefing of the operation.
As if this wasn’t all gung-ho enough, usual Berg lead Mark Wahlberg this time plays a character with a hyperactive disorder. His macho monologues are painful. Indonesian star Iko Uwais plays the defector, but he’s basically shoehorned into the film for a couple of martial arts fights that are shaky-cammed and edited to oblivion.
Any good points? It’s so ridiculously bad that it’s a primer on how not to shoot action and the DVD contains a raft of extras on filming for the first time in Bogota, Columbia.
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- Mile 22 review by CP Customer
Dismal script, dismal direction, dismal Mark Wahlberg performance who seemed to be bored with the whole thing. I hope he's not following the same path as Bruce Willis and Nicholas Cage, acting by numbers to supplement his pension.
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Milestone (?) 22
- Mile 22 review by CP Customer
hello all
I think the casting for the lead role in this film - was a joke. Along with mumbled, pointless rhetoric from the script and Mark Wahiberg, it was very boring and over complicated chat for such a simple plot. The action was really exceptional and very realistic.... except for the way o/t and far too much martial arts, which gave the film a 'Jacki Chan' feel. What a shame, the action far outshone any acting/script. Worth a watch.
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Reasonably engaging film
- Mile 22 review by JRo
Whilst not outstanding this is a good action film, with some pretty strong sequences, quite edge of the seat at times and a great twist to the story. We'll worth a look.
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Action all the way
- Mile 22 review by CP Customer
Bored of pretentious or serious action films which seem to have very little action in them? If so this could be for you.
Loads of action, car chases, gun fights and fisticuffs!! Add to that a good bit of needless swearing and some gore, awesome!!
Mike Wahlberg is great and Iko Uwais (that fella from the movie The Raid) is awesome and has some great fight scenes.
Interesting from start to finish with very little needless over emotional/sentimental rubbish they usually shoe horn in.
Great stuff!!!
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A dire, abrasive & terribly edited film with horrible characters and rubbish script
- Mile 22 review by Timmy B
When Mark Wahlberg & Peter Berg first started their collaboration, the results were spectacular. Lone Survivor was a masterclass in tension-building, incredible action and the amazing true story of an American soldier who was trapped & wounded being cared for by what most people regarded as the enemy. Then Deepwater Horizon was made, with a massive budget due to the success of Lone Survivor. This was in every way a masterpiece, building on everything that had started with the previous film. The stunts, script and look of the film perfect, with Wahlberg anchoring everything with his amazing performance.
After that, things started to get a bit wobbly. Patriots Day, whilst again mining a real-life tragedy for the story, was notable for its lack of true quality after the previous works of perfection. But it was still great in parts and every collaboration has a mis-fire, especially when the bar is so high. But compared to this, Patriots Day is Citizen Kane in every way.
Mile 22 is a genuinely terrible film, total garbage, but loud and obnoxious with a really nasty streak running through it. Wahlberg plays James Silva, who the film tells us, from a very small child had an enormous IQ and all-round lightening-fast reactions. He was then enlisted into the military and rose to the top. He is also an absolute arsehole in every way: confrontational, rude, threatening, belittling and demeaning. Just imagine all the worst traits of Dignam from The Departed turned up to 11. But the film also feels that the best way to portray Silva is frantic, almost epileptic-style frenzied cutting and close-ups. All this does, within the first 10 minutes, is make you hate the film and realise that you have a very long watching experience ahead of you.
And the worst part about all of this is that everything that you felt Berg & Wahlberg worked so hard to achieve in the previous 3 films has been totally ruined and destroyed in one fell swoop. There is not one element of this film that is likeable, competent or enjoyable. If it hadn’t have said Berg’s name in the credits/I’d gone in and watched this movie cold, I would have refused to believe it was made by him.
And there are so many missed opportunities. After his incredible work on The Raid, Iko Uwais is probably the hottest actor/action star who does his own stunts working in films today (who are his age.) His ability to craft and act in these scenes is in the same league as Jackie Chan and Jet Li. And to be fair, in this film he is the only one who manages to emerge with any type of dignity. But even so, he is absolutely wasted and worse than that, all the stunts he is involved in are shot & edited so badly, you can’t see what’s going on. Every fight/hand-to-hand combat scene is just cut cut cut cut cut cut cut. You cannot tell what’s happening, and instead you are left wondering who the hell is in charge of quality control and how did this get cleared to be released.
By the time you get to the end, you are left with a headache and in my case, a sadness that a collaboration which had produced so many great films before had managed to, in one film, totally desecrate all that brilliance and good will.
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Great movie
- Mile 22 review by CS
This is non stop action and makes you hold your breath on occasions. Bit gruesome and bloody but that's the name of the game.
Good storyline and gripping edge of the seat stuff.
I enjoyed it.
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