So, don't be swayed by the title - the sun isn't falling out of the sky and London isn't being "destroyed" by its impact - this is a second (no, third) rate zombie film pure and simple, on the VERY loose premise of solar debris radiation mutation.
It started well from space, then went downhill, looking like someone recorded it on their phone. Was quite surprised it was in 5.1 surround. Just daft. And how many times do the protagonists need to understand they can't save their friends once exposed or bitten. Ugh!
The escape car belonging to one of the protagonists is a lesson in continuity. It's a Ford Fiesta - with an 87 plate on the front, a 07 plate on the rear and a Mitsubishi logoed steering wheel. When the inevitable puncture happens (no spare of course), they show a flat tyre with a Renault centre cap/logo on the alloy wheel. Brilliant!
The only star in this film might have been the sun, but then oddly it wasn't either!
There was no mention in the blurb that this was in fact a zombie movie. Never mind that it's terrible. Waste of money.
considering the title, not much takes place in London! a very bad "zombie" film based on the human race turning into zombie mutations from radioactive solar debris that hits earth, really, dont bother!