Worth sticking with
- Song to Song review by LR
I absolutely loved this film by the end of it though didn't expect to at all as i hated The Tree Of Life but was keen to see it because of the stellar cast, aswell as cameos from the likes of Patti Smith and Iggy Pop. The narrative is non-linear and apparently all improvised (no script) and the notion of plot is thrown out of the window (though there is sort-of one). It is beautifully shot and very dream-like, reflecting the characters states of mind at various points. None of the characters were particularly likeable (Gosling the only one perhaps) but the point of the film wasn't to provide you with a cosy foursome and a definiative who is with who, but demonstrates the messy and conflicting relationships we have no just with other people but with ourselves. Not an easy watch as it needs concentration and patience and i totally get why people hated it, but i'm glad i stuck with it.
3 out of 3 members found this review helpful.
oh dear
- Song to Song review by BP
So dreadfully boring were these self involved, self indulgent people that I had to leave the room. Only one piece of sense in it - the idea that the song writer can only maintain success with a good support team.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
i fell asleep ..
- Song to Song review by AB
first class actors in a awful film i didn't bother to watch the end , because i didn't care what happen to any of them !!
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Completely impenetrable
- Song to Song review by Doric
As others have said, it's a complete self-indulgence by the Director. Beautiful to look at but totally cookie to follow. Not sure I could recommend it anyone except aficionados of the director.
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Alient to my Comfort Zone
- Song to Song review by JT
I suppose it's just that type of genre that is alien to my comfort zone. It's very pretty to look at, but somewhat shallow underneath. Kind of like getting a half portion of something you're really looking forward to eating - and still being hungry afterwards. The shots of well-known music names were a blessed relief, but not much else to report really.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
most pretensous film
- Song to Song review by ps
this film is a comedy in the way it makes no sense it must be on a par with william defoes film in mr beans holiday film which has the audence falling asleep
1 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
no plot to speak of
- Song to Song review by VD
One of the worst films I have ever tried to sit through. Endless introspective nonsense about who loves who, etc. with no real plot and very little about the song-writing industry they are supposed to be in. Some well-known people saw fit to appear in it, but I can't see why.
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