Look, you have seen the cast and so you know exactly what you are going to get. Is it their best? No, it’s not a classic. Did it make me laugh? Yes all the way through and after all that’s what this genre if for. A chance to dumb down, enjoying some dumb jokes and have some dumb fun. Although it’s not a classic it’s achieves its purpose.
As per other reviews, this is an OKish film with a cast you've probably seen before, they "go through the gears" of a script about needing to raise money for their daughter to go to college by setting up a casino at their mate's house in the neighborhood.
There are a couple of laugh out loud moments of comedy exaggeration but it's all pretty average and loses its way a little before a rather absurd ending and it isn't really resolved, lots of script holes too. What is enjoyable is the overly close relationship the parents have with their daughter, it is funny and delightful.
Anyway, it's not too bad overall - a rather daft romp, makes me think of a typical comedy film you'd watch on a long haul flight, it's OK and passes the time!
Will can actually do acting, when not left in charge of the film too much. Everything Must Go and Stranger Than Fiction are way better than anything else he has done.
The 4th form Jackass comedy was all done in Step Brothers, and was new and funny, since then has just become predictable and a bit tedious.
Elf was fun Xmas film, as the zany thing was funny and controlled.........
Film is OK and only moderately stupid every now and then..........