Rent Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

3.9 of 5 from 645 ratings
2h 5min
Rent Top Gun: Maverick (aka Top Gun 2) Online DVD & Blu-ray Rental
  • General info
  • Available formats
After more than thirty years of service as a top naval aviator, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot. Yet, Maverick must confront the ghosts of his past when he returns to Top Gun to train a group of elite graduates and comes face-to-face with Lt. Bradshaw (Miles Teller), the son of his former wingman, "Goose". Bitter rivalries ignite as the pilots prepare for a specialised mission, which will require the ultimate sacrifice from those chosen to fly it.
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Jerry Bruckheimer, Tom Cruise, David Ellison, Christopher McQuarrie
Jim Cash, Jack Epps Jr., Peter Craig, Justin Marks, Ehren Kruger, Eric Warren Singer, Christopher McQuarrie
Mark Taylor, Lady Gaga, Claudio Miranda, Mark Weingarten, Chris Burdon, Al Nelson, James H. Mather, Mark Taylor, David Ellison, Eddie Hamilton, Ryan Tudhope, Seth Hill, Bryan Litson, Scott R. Fisher, BloodPop
Top Gun 2
Action & Adventure, Drama
Award Winners, BAFTA Nominations Competition 2023, Oscar Nominations Competition 2023, Oscar Nominations Competition 2025, Top 10 Films About Planes and Pilots, Top Films
Release Date:
Run Time:
125 minutes
Castilian Spanish DTS 5.1, English Audio Description Dolby Digital 5.1, English DTS 5.1, French Parisian DTS 5.1
Castillian, Danish, Dutch, English, English Hard of Hearing, Finnish, French Parisian, Norwegian, Swedish
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.78:1 / 16:9
Release Date:
Run Time:
130 minutes
Brazilian Portuguese DTS 5.1, Canadian French DTS 5.1, Castilian Spanish DTS 5.1, English Audio Description Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Atmos, French Parisian DTS 5.1, Latin American Spanish DTS 5.1
Brazilian, Canadian French, Castillian, Danish, Dutch, English, English Hard of Hearing, Finnish, French Parisian, Latin American Spanish, Norwegian, Swedish
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.78:1 / 16:9
BLU-RAY Regions:
  • Over 30 Minutes of Behind the Scenes - Go deeper into the making of 'Tap Gun: Maverick' for incredible real-life stunts, pilot training and more
Release Date:
Run Time:
130 minutes
Canadian French DTS 5.1, Castilian Spanish DTS 5.1, Czech DTS 5.1, English Audio Description Dolby Digital 5.1, English Dolby Atmos, Hungarian DTS 5.1, Italian DTS 5.1, Latin American Spanish DTS 5.1, Polish DTS 5.1
Canadian French, Cantonese, Castillian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, English, English Hard of Hearing, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Mandarin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Simplified Mandarin, Slovakian, Swedish, Thai
DVD Regions:
Region 2
Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen 1.78:1 / 16:9
BLU-RAY Regions:
  • Over 80 Minutes of Behind the Scenes - Go deeper into the making of 'Tap Gun: Maverick' for incredible real-life stunts, pilot training and more

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Reviews (8) of Top Gun: Maverick

It can’t be this bad, can it? Oh yes it can - Top Gun: Maverick review by Alphaville

Spoiler Alert

Tom goes fast on a motorbike and in a plane, has a quip for every occasion and causes Americans to flap their hands in the air and whoop. Okay, so you’re not meant to take it seriously, but must it be so overbearingly contrived and predictable? If you haven’t gagged by the end, wait till Lady Gagga (an in-joke?) warbles her end-credits ditty.

I thought of giving it an extra star for the technicalities of filming (see DVD Extras), but no, what’s on screen is just too eye-rollingly awful. Three scriptwriters had a go at it to no avail and director Joseph Kosinski drains it of any residual interest unless you thrill to close-ups of men in cockpits. Surely only forgiving fans of the Cruise-man can get anything out of this.

3 out of 5 members found this review helpful.

Entertaining but not great - Top Gun: Maverick review by Dax Williams

Spoiler Alert

There's a staggering array of 1 and 5 star reviews on here for what I saw as solid 3 star movie. Some people are claiming this is a masterpiece and superior to the original - it isn't, come back in 5 years and say that. Top Gun Maverick lacks the charm of the first film and no way will these new characters live in the memory the same way as Maverick, Goose, Ice Man Merlin. However, this movie is not the disaster that others are saying and TGM is nowhere near as bad as some of the other recently released sequels to beloved classics of the era (Bill & Ted and Coming to America being the worst offenders). This could be described as a high-budget, competently made piece of fan fiction. There are many references to the first film: the font used for the opening credits, shots of planes preparing for take-off viewed through the heat haze of a runway, people working out in silhouette against the sunset and Tom Cruise riding his motorcycle at gazillion miles per hour without wearing a helmet. Some of the original soundtrack is replayed here and there is even a scene featuring the young cadets in a bar singing 'Great Balls of Fire' around a piano (no, seriously) - this was actually jaw dropping.

There is certainly more diversity here in terms of race and gender among the younger characters, but the movie doesn't bash you over the head with it. For sure there's a film to made about the struggles faced by women and minorities in the US military, but this isn't that film - This is Top Gun Maverick. The story line is as you'd expect, some kind of high-risk mission for the best of the best and the flight scenes and visual effects are, again as you'd expect, top notch. The dialogue is mostly fine for what it is; a couple of lines here and there are a little on the nose ("Now you've learned something about Rooster"!) but on the whole the script is passable, albeit without many memorable lines or speeches that I can recall. One thing that did baffle me was Ice Man's appearance, or lack therefof. I had to check Wikipedia to see if Val Kilmer had died 3 days into filming or something - this aspect of the movie seemed utterly pointless and nonsensical.

But overall Top Gun Maverick is pretty good; its a decent, fun action movie. Not one I'll be coming back to in 10 years time, but good enough for a Friday evening.

2 out of 3 members found this review helpful.

Great Entertaining Adventure - Top Gun: Maverick review by GI

Spoiler Alert

This is the sort of blockbuster adventure that drives home the necessity to see films at the cinema and not rely on home turf channels. Big, brash, endlessly exciting Top Gun: Maverick is exactly what you'd expect it to be. Whilst it comes 36 years after the first film it manages to recapture the essence of what made that film so popular, with its rocking soundtrack, macho posturing and sheer spectacle. The various links back to the original story work well and for those who loved Top Gun it becomes a real treat. The homoeroticism, so evident in 1986, is toned down to almost nothing here although a beach football match mirrors the famous volleyball episode with the sweat shining and muscle ripped bodies all on display. Politically the film will appeal to American audiences who are tunnel visioned enough believe that they are out there protecting the world and comparisons with Team America: World Police (2004) can't be helped as here we have a story about attacking a uranium plant in some unnamed country, it's war without there actually being one officially. For the rest of the world this is a good old Hollywood adventure film, pure hokum but plenty of panache and all the better for it. Tom Cruise returns as Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell, still a lowly Captain but a top fighter pilot. Not popular with his superiors who are trying to get him to retire quietly. But then this uranium plant needs destroying and it's a nigh impossible task so Maverick is called to train a set of young hotshots for the mission including the son of his former partner played by Miles Teller. Of course Maverick ends up on the mission himself because he's still the best and the film turns up the action in the flying sequences where we have a story very reminiscent of 633 Squadron (1964) and a pretty obvious Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) section even turning "Use the Force Luke' into "Don't think, just do". Jennifer Connolly is the new love interest (her character is linked to the first film) but is somewhat underused and Jon Hamm and Ed Harris are the disapproving bosses but the cherry on the top of the casting is Val Kilmer cameoing in a touching scene as Iceman, now an admiral and maverick's friend and protector. It's all great entertainment and absolutely best seen on the biggest cinema screen you can find where you can sit back and remember why you fell in love with cinema in the first place.

2 out of 3 members found this review helpful.

Critic review

Top Gun: Maverick (aka Top Gun 2) review by Mark McPherson - Cinema Paradiso

Top Gun: Maverick really did take my breath away. For being a long-awaited sequel to the 1980s hit of NAVY pilots feeling the need for speed, I wasn’t afraid of such a picture veering into the danger zone of renewing properties. For what could’ve been a dreary and predictable retread, here’s a film that really does have fun playing with the boys.

Okay, puns aside, this really is a marvelous film that jets right over the previous film in quality. It helps that there’s more to explore with the leader Maverick (Tom Cruise) than just throwing him into another mission. He’s still doing all those, including going over the heads of admirals to achieve new speeds with new jets. His recklessness gets him in trouble but the NAVY needs that gung-ho attitude to instruct the next generation. Maverick is called back to Top Gun to be the instructing leader on a dangerous mission involving mountains, missiles, and jets engaging in daring dogfights. It’s a mission with a low rate of success where nobody may return but Maverick wants to ensure that everybody will come home from this mission.

While training his team on all things piloting, Maverick’s got some ghosts of the past to get over. One of the pilots he is training is Rooster (Miles Teller), the son of the pilot Goose. For those not up on their Top Gun lore, Goose was the pilot who died during a mission with Maverick blaming himself for not doing everything in his power to save him from meeting the same fate. Maybe then he can get over his regrets. Also present to help Maverick settle down is the love interest, Penny (Jennifer Connelly). She owns the bar near the naval base and the two form a romantic bonding over an exciting sailboat ride.

Of course, the real reason most will be flocking to this film is for the exciting shots of NAVY fighter jets soaring across the screen and engaging in intense sequences. They will not be disappointed. Look, if you’re going to make your film all about jets, you better make sure you do it right and have a lot of these scenes. Director Joseph Kosinski does not disappoint. He finds all the best shots and edits them together so well, proceeding with a speedy pace and smooth transition. Any scene taking place in the air holds the attention incredibly well, taking just enough time to showcase the right amount of cool before moving on to the next shot, next exercise, or next dogfight.

It should be noted that for having a focus on Maverick’s quest for redemption and the coolness of jets, the script is rather thin. You may be wondering just which forces Maverick and his team is combatting on their mission. They are not revealed. It’s probably Russia given the snowy landscape of the enemies being targeted but it’s never specified as we never see the faces of the enemy. Truth to be told, this is actually better writing and not just because it makes the film more internationally viable. It’d be both distracting and perhaps even a political misfire to focus on the conflict of nationalities. While the aloof nature of the military’s target seems kinda par for the course of military propaganda films, its removal makes the film all the easier to enjoy rather than question how Russians came into possession of a nuke and old fighter jets.

Top Gun: Maverick is going to be a big movie for dads who gush over mechanically focused pictures like Ford v Ferrari. While it’s unfortunate the film leans further away from the queer-baiting nature of the original, the story it wants to tell feels far more engaging and brimming with charm and drama. And, yes, it has lots of jets that go zoom and boom with amazement. Watching this film in IMAX was quite the experience and the abundance of aerial intensity.

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