Very entertaining Thriller . Bend Sheriff Kevin Bacon leaves his Cop car in the woods whilst disposing of ' dodgy property' when two Runaway Kids come across it with the keys and decide to take it for a Joy Ride .
Problems ,Danger and Death ensues .
True the kids are little bast@rd's and as thick a a tonne of bricks but they don't deserve more than an Ass whoopin' .... Bacon has a lot more in mind .
Great ,entertaining movie. well worth a watch or two.
I had never heard of this movie but thought I'd give it a go purely on account of Kevin Bacon being in it.
From the start it was just an intriguing enjoyable film. The 2 main characters are children and to be honest I quite often hate kids in films but these 2 just seem very natural and it's good just watching them.
Kevin Bacon is great though out.
Certainly worth a watch, a very enjoyable evenings viewing.
I didn't expect much of this movie but really enjoyed it.
Many things remain unexplained - and the ending of this (no spoilers) annoyed me, as I like resolution!
But it's a great little film, imaginative and well-made. In a way Britain cannot make them.
4 stars