Great Film
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by LH
I really loved this film. I watch a lot of films and so few have any originality. This seemed more original. Life from the perspective of an older woman who don’t see to get much of a voice these days. There is a bit of ‘scenes of a sexual nature’ and exploration as to why sexuality is viewed negatively, rather than in a joyous way, but it also tells a great story of a life unlived and regrets. It’s a good lesson for everyone to live life more fully.
2 out of 2 members found this review helpful.
Nice one
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by JL
Terrific performances from both, and each his/her moments of high drama. It would be nice to think that such encounters could always be so civilised, but I doubt it. The real triumphs, though, were the back stories when they were finally allowed to take centre stage. A very talky picture that will reward two or three viewings. Brave final shot of Emma Thompson.
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I praise of mature women.
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by NO
I was surprised that Emma Thompson showed a full frontal nude scene.This could have been a stage play as all the action takes place in one hotel room with only two
main characters.Very clever dialogue & well acted holding your attention all the time.This should be seen by all adults especially older women.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
unusual film
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by CSF
It looks as if 2 psychologists are talking to each other and it should have been a stage play more than a film. However, it is a very informative and open mind story. The story tells us in a nutshell that sex is a natural thing, even if it needs to be controlled. Sometimes I didn't find some scenes credible. A mature school teacher speaking about her sex life openly to a young man? Why not. It is easier to speak to a stranger you'll never see again. I was told off by a parent once, for showing 'The Graduate' to a 5th form (15 year-old) but the kids were fascinated. I would not show them that film, I would lose my job. I always believe that good cinema makes us progress. A pity that it is rarely showed and that our new generations are put in front of American entertainment essentially. France is better for showing life with entertainment. Emma Thompson is amazing. So is 'Leo Grande'. A difficult part to handle...
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Fairly unique film with an interesting story
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by giantrolo
We enjoyed this film, which took us on a bit of a rollercoaster through the intimate, emotional, and at times fraught journey between two consenting adults, one of whom is paying for sex. With so many peculiar twists and turns, the story kept us on our toes until the very end. Two fantastic performances from the lead actors, Emma Thompson and Daryl McCormack, with great supporting roles as well! Good film, but not one we'd ever probably have a hankering to watch again.
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Tedious in the extreme
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by cw
Sexually hung up middle aged R.E. teacher seeks to lose her inhibitions with a young escort. Eventually, she does. That's it. Long tedious predictable and not helped by being claustrophobically set in a hotel room for 95% of the time. I'd rather have had a good kip than waste my time watching this despite it starring Emma Thompson. (Of course her performance is excellent but it doesn't make up for the lack of a story)
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- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by NR
It will probably become reference piece for other actors,as it's very wordy and meaningful,but as entertainment I found it patronising.
Emma Thompson turns in another good performance,but as a character you can't muster much sympathy for.
A thespian's view of what ordinary folk might get up?
Happily,ordinary folk tend to be more interesting!
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- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by FS
A great script and acting. Nuanced & funny & so very spot on at portraying a very particular kind of buttoned-up middle aged woman finally deciding to summon the courage to live a little.
Refreshing to see a film about the pleasure of sex /sensuality for a mature woman.
Visually, it performs more like a play with almost the whole film shot in one location -it was never boring - testimony to the skill of the actors.
Themes of loneliness , human connection, the importance of intimacy, the rigid strictures of respectful behaviour suffocating/ stunting emotional growth, identity... & plenty of toe-curlingly awkward funny moments!
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Brilliant and thought provoking
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by Champ
Emma Thompson is wonderful in just about everything, but in this she's even more wonderful than usual. Daryl McCormack is new to me, but he more than rose to the standard set by Thompson. The film is an intimate two-handed, with great dialogue and interplay between the characters. It manages to both be very funny, and very intimate, at the same time.
The final scene is slightly breathtaking, and shows Thompson's complete commitment to the story.
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Down its rabbit hole
- Good Luck to You, Leo Grande review by HM
Emma Thompson plays a frumpy widowed older woman who hires a male prostitute; cue guilt complex and soul searching by old lady. We go through 4 or 5 meetings as she continually tries to avoid what she wants. This became extremely irritating and I found myself winding foreward to avoid more of the same. In addition, the gigilo is invited to form a relationship with her as if he got into prostitution to look after old ladies.
A familier tale of a woman trying to remodel a man. I doubt any male of the species will enjoy this nonesense, although old women trying to shag a tall handsom young man may go for it!
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