A little dull
- Motherless Brooklyn review by AK
Expectations were high with the concept of a torrettes PI in a 50s noir. But despite a strong cast it just didn't have the emotional engagement, conflict, or stylisticc noir tropes one might expect. The torrettes with an OCD add-on wasn't really itilized or convincing compared to similar screen potrayal afflictions such as 'Rain Man'. The era and production design was well done given the limited budget but lighting was more flat realism than dynamic high contrast noir. Music and club scenes were more in line with this stylistic tone. Plot was a little muddled with an anti climax pay-off. Didn't really buy the relationship of Ed Norton's character and the girl or care. Not convinced that Norton was the right choice for the leading Man or to write the script. But credit due to pulling off his passion project. Helps to have good actor mates. Shame it was a bit dull.
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Good but not Great
- Motherless Brooklyn review by IG
Moderately interesting film, adequately delivered, nicely produced with some stylish moments. That the central character has Tourette's Syndrome is a double edged sword, it adds to the interest but as in real life is a rather irritating affliction all round.
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Not Very Good
- Motherless Brooklyn review by JP
Despite an excellent cast, this film (much as I love NY, being a New Yorker for many years), didn't match our expectations. Apparently, Edward Norton wrote the screenplay and directed the movie, and maybe that was an error. It did capture the mood of 50's Brooklyn and Manhattan (and yes I was there then at times), but the plot was a bit confused and hard to follow, although it began to make some sense when Alec Baldwin's character was introduced, and I realized he was supposed to be a real person, Robert Moses.
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Atmospheric film diminished by dull plot
- Motherless Brooklyn review by Alphaville
After a mysterious and exciting beginning, this develops into a protracted and less-than-engrossing political drama about a housing scam with racial undertones in 1950s New York. It’s something of a noir vanity project for writer/director/star Edward Norton, but he makes a good job of all three roles. As actor he plays a gumshoe with a Tourette’s problem and as director he contributes some winning moments. There’s an atmospheric scene in a jazz joint, for instance, where co-star Gugu Mbatha-Raw dances with him to calm down his tics. It’s just a shame it’s such a convoluted, overlong and not very interesting plot.
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Ponderous Noir Crime Drama
- Motherless Brooklyn review by GI
This is a rather heavy going and at times laborious private eye noir set in New York in the 1950s. Clearly a passion piece for director and star Edward Norton who also adapted the novel on which it's based. Indeed Norton has moved the story from the 90s to the 50s precisely in order to make it a noir type film in the vein of The Big Sleep (1946) and The Maltese Falcon (1941). It has a colour palette that is all the greys and browns to recreate the time and setting and the plot is a mystery all very similar to the 'gumshoe' narratives of yesteryear although it's littered with genre clichés. Norton plays Lionel who works for a private detective agency run by Frank (Bruce Willis). Lionel has a photographic memory and is very good at his job but he has an affliction that can best be described as Tourettes although it's never identified in the film. When Frank is killed Lionel is determined to find out who is behind it which leads him into a conspiracy of corruption of city officials that involved a young black woman (Gugu Mbatha-Raw). Norton is very good here especially in portraying his affliction which adds some humour to the film. But the plot becomes quite turgid after awhile and makes the film seem overly long and the final unravelling all seemed a bit of an anti climax. In here is a good film in many ways but it could have been so much better.
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Housing Scandal.
- Motherless Brooklyn review by NO
Quite Good but I thought the start confusing.If I had not had the subtitles on,I would not have followed the plot which made sense later on.I liked the Jazz scenes made a welcome change fro m the usual rock row.Ending a bit of an anti climax.
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- Motherless Brooklyn review by cr
Most of the reviews have said the same thing. At 144 minutes you would hope this film would be engaging and interesting but its so dull, the plot is difficult to follow and you soon stop caring around halfway through. No wonder it was a box office Turkey.
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Overlong, Convoluted, Bloated Boxticker Movie which could have been so much better
- Motherless Brooklyn review by PV
This is directed by Edward Norton who stars - never a good sign. Based on a novel. Maybe that is why it is rather meandering and convoluted.
As most modern movies seem to do, it lingers on racial injustice - the problem with that is these films tend to show a rather romantic portrayal of all black people, making tjem rather two-dimensional, and which could be called as racist as demonising such people.
Anyway, this movie is way too long - I was clock-watching throughout.
It reminds me a bit of TV series MONK about a detective with OCD from years ago. The private eye suffering from never-named Tourette's syndrome reminded me of several other neuro-diverse main characters - this seems very on-trend now together with transgender leads. i supppose they must have run out of races to celebrate...
Worth watching for the late great Michael K Williams, in one of his last roles, playing a louche troubled jazz musician - anything with him in is worth a watch.
Was going to be 3 stars but the preachy woke lectures esp in the second half, and rather clunky points made that 'racism is bad' (no, really?) and cartoon character racists portrayed tested my patience.
I liked the music and the early 1950s decor etc. And the memories of the 1920s and WWI again, a bit like the recent Amsterdam, which shares many of the same flaws.
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