A classic
- The Princess Bride review by CP Customer
it really is, thanks to finding new life on DVD. This film is for all ages, featuring a classical tale but with plenty of humour and a long lasting feeling of satisfaction.
Memorable characters, classic lines, its all here and well worth checking out this film. You won't be disappointed!
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Old-fashioned non-pc swords and fantasy fun, and allthe better for it.
- The Princess Bride review by PV
This is based on the book by William Goldman (known for his quote about the film industry that NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING).
An all start cast including Peter Cook and Mel Smith and Brit Cary Elwes (seen in Another Country with Colin Firth and Rupert Everett in 1983 but now in the torture porn SAW movies), and a baddie played by Christopher Guest.
This is an 1987 so is mercifully free of political correctness, parachuted in black characters, and kick-boxing female ones - back in those days they allowed a damsel in distress to be rescued by male characters AS TRADITIONAL STORIES DICTATE. Since Hollywood started worshipping #metoo casting, cinema seat sales are down 26%.
My favourite character here is Fezzik the giant who despite some awfully pronounced dialogue (couldn't someone tell him how to pronounce 'prince') certainly makes an impression. He was a wrestler known as Andre the Giant, born in France to Russian and Polish parents; he died in 1993.
I enjoyed this for the deeply derivative hokem fantasy nonsense it is - a shame this sort of film is seen as un-pc now; a modern version would have aggressive female characters doing down men and ethnic characters parachuted in everywhere AND I WOULD NOT WATCH IT.
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Weirdly funny
- The Princess Bride review by CP Customer
Ok, I certainly thought this was a weird film. Every time I thought I knew where it was going, it went somewhere else!
By the end of the film I felt weirdly positive and optimistic, not like me at all!
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Old fashioned yarn fun and familiar
- The Princess Bride review by jl
Surprising how this film jogs old memories of grimes tails. some nice cameos and a wonderful man made world of lakes and trees and lots of harmless sword action. Funny
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Cult Classic & Great Fun
- The Princess Bride review by GI
Rob Reiner's fairytale film has become something of a cult favourite and it's a film that is enjoyed by children and adults alike. This is not least because it has some riotous humour and subtle adult themes but it's also an exciting swashbuckler in the vein of Errol Flynn and Douglas Fairbanks with monsters, enchanted forests, giants and an evil prince. Narrated by a Grandfather (Peter Falk) reading a story to his poorly grandson about Buttercup (Robin Wright in her film debut), a commoner living in the fantastical land of Florian, where her and Westley (Cary Elwes) are deeply in love. He goes off to find his fortune in order to marry her and after 5 years when he hasn't returned Buttercup is told he is dead and she is then coveted by the nasty Prince Humperdinck (Chris Sarandon). Betrothed Buttercup finds herself in various predicaments until a mysterious masked stranger helps her aided by a vengeful spaniard (Mandy Patinkin) and a friendly giant. A great cast including Billy Crystal, who is hilarious here, Peter Cook, Mel Smith, Christopher Guest and Carol Kane makes this a joy to watch at anytime. This is a film that your children will love because it has action, fantasy and love, it's all influenced by Tolkien and Grimm fairytales and I guarantee you'll love it.
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Go with it - but do keep up
- The Princess Bride review by SG
I read one review that said this was old fashioned and non pc. That seems to wholly miss the point. It's a crazy, funny and witty film, which constantly makes fun of a whole raft of genres, particularly its own- but in a playful and rather post modern way. You can watch this with a child, or watch as a grown up - there is plenty to enjoy either way. There's always something new to spot - great cameos, hilarious action scenes (some genuinely emotional) and also some of the most iconic lines in film. You do have to watch it to get it. Any film framed by Peter Falk gets my vote too, any day (Wings of Desire and The Princess Bride - both classics). There's nothing quite like it. RIP Rob Reiner.
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Like an 80s Shrek
- The Princess Bride review by HW
I’m shocked that this is the first time I’ve seen this film. Adventure! Romance! Swordfights! Revenge! Shrieking eels! Giant rats! Comedy! A perfect cast! I do like how this is both a spoof of fairy tales while also being a genuinely good fantasy adventure and romance. There are even moments that could fit nicely into genuine myths, like the hero taking down three adversaries using their strengths and the young lover secretly returned from being lost at sea. Inigo Montoya’s quest for revenge is somehow both funny and incredibly moving. Just a fun, fun movie that’s not too cheesy.
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