Oh dear! Oh dear! Eyewateringly bad!
- Cosmic Sin review by AM
Edward Drake must have found plenty of cash to lure Bruce Willis into this quagmire. Has this been made in the hope of cult status? It can be the only excuse for the banal cliche'd story, the abysmal direction, laughable acting (even Bruce looks bored stiff with it all) - aliens threaten to wipe out humanity and we fight them off in the 26th century with 20th century assault rifles...painful to watch as bullets fly to keep the gamers from returning to the x-box. Old factories painted and cleaned (well sort of cleaned) to represent future interiors, a bit of forest probably somewhere in Romania to represent "another planet!!" a replica 50 times life size of a germanium crystal (remember crystal sets?) to look like a bomb that can produce a black hole. I wouldn't be surprised if Star Trek doesn't sue for the stealing of 1960's story lines - They didn't have CGI then and this rubbish looks as if Edward couldn't afford CGI now because he spent all the cash on Bruce. A complete and utter waste of my time and money...I only watched to the end so I could honestly write this. The only saving grace? Altitude provides subtitles, thanks Altitude.
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O Bruce!
- Cosmic Sin review by CP Customer
If you are a Bruce Willis fan and I appreciate there are a few out there, do not watch this film. If you do well you have been warned!!!
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Empty like the space
- Cosmic Sin review by PM
Like a fan movie in the YouTube, without editing. My favourite part when they are walking in a forest for ~15 minutes.
The story shows an event 500 years from now, but everything is absolutely the same like now.
Only Bruce Willis is authentic. He seems hundreds years old, with the same very limited actor cliches, he has. If you put his character with the same lines into any other Willis movie, it would work.
The other characters are so thin, I did not realised when they died or disappeared.
1 out of 1 members found this review helpful.
Bruce! Oh, Bruce - WHYYYY!?
- Cosmic Sin review by JC
I'm a big Sci-Fi fan, and a Bruce fan, too. 'Sixth Sense', the 'RED' couplet, and, of course, the 'Die Hard' films plus many more. All of them were/are great viewing, often pure testosterone-fuelled escapism stuff. Something to watch whilst consuming copious amounts of alcohol along with assorted carbs.
But oh, Dear Me. What the actual f did I just waste my time watching? Why did I continue watching it? I don't know. I suppose I was waiting - hoping, even - for the great BRUCE to make an appearance. Alas, it was not meant to be. This was worse, far worse, than the disappointment I felt with the abortion that Paul Verhoeven made of 'Starship Troopers'.
I feel most sorry for the other members of the cast. If ever there was a 'career killer' film, this is it.
Don't waste your money people. Spend it on a re-release of 'Sound of Music'.
(I'll retract my 'title'. I understand that Bruce was diagnosed with aphasia at about the time this film was released.)
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I have no idea ...
- Cosmic Sin review by AB
About one hour and twenty seven minutes too long
Writing one hundred characters about something so empty is impossible
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Not good.
- Cosmic Sin review by NC
Give this a miss, poor content , you have been warned. I managed to watch half this film then I had to eject this film .
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Too dire even to be funny
- Cosmic Sin review by Alphaville
82 minutes of bargain-basement drivel. Little more than a series of poorly shot shoot-outs between cardboard humans and aliens masquerading as cardboard humans. To save money, one such shoot-out occurs in a building, another in a wood that represents an alien planet. A sleepwalking Bruce Willis mumbles his way through it and the dialogue is pure cliché. Example: “With all due respect, Sarge, f--- you”. Any redeeming qualities? Nope.
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